
A TomatoFace sighting in 2021 is actually kind of comforting. Like the world is slowly reverting to it’s old terrible self, instead of this new terrible one we’ve been in for the last few years. Thanks TF!

yeah ppl keep saying in this comments section that he was a “great man”????? but what way tho?

Seems to me there was show on Broadway recently that was pretty popular with just about everyone and while it showed the founding fathers as complicated people, George Washington came out of it looking pretty good.

No, not conflating. Yes, the British media is irresponsible. However, for some time it has seen certain friends of the current government put in positions of power. They have done nothing to curb the excesses of certain media figures: Cameron and Rebecca Brooks for example, or the BBC and cliff richard. The royal

Or this.

I hated Time Bandits! The ending gave me nightmares and I will never watch it again. 

When Charles and Camilla snickered together at a performance of Inuit throat-singing, I thought long and hard about his father.

RIP to the lady losing her husband after such a long marriage. Her family’s loss is not the world’s loss, however. 

He was a fucking Mountbatten; subjugators of India.

What awful people. Also, thank you. I adore Time Bandits forever and never knew this.

Here’s an idea: Maybe you shouldn’t “revere” anyone. The Founding Fathers did some good things, but they also did some bad things. They were men, not gods, and their legacy has certainly been whitewashed. I’m not sure I agree with tearing down Washington and Lincoln’s statues, but let’s lose the hero worship, okay?

Holy hell, I’d forgotten that name, and you’re absolutely right.  It’s exactly the sort of nonsense drivel that was his trademark.

OK Boomer

I’m pretty sure that’s Tomato. Has to be. It’s a caricature of an account. 

::fart noises::

But obviously, being an extraordinarily racist piece of an empire declining means he was ultimately a net good in the world, which is... rare? Because of something something divine right of kings probably.

What? I'm pretty fucking online, and I have no idea what you're talking about. 

Wow is this ever some try-hard, much ado over nothing shit. Get over yourself, “patriot”


Strong “how do you do, fellow kids?” energy in this post.

The best impersonation of Phillip was John Cleese in “Time Bandits”. Cleese based his portrayal of Robin Hood on him.