
In my view, Alabama and Mississippi exist to trade last place back and forth with one another.

Yup. Arrest first, paperwork later.

Apparently feminism ruined American women and all we want to do is work. We don’t like sex and we don’t want kids and we don’t want to stay home and clean.

Ben Ben is a real cutie. His patterning is stately, but that face is the mischievous, freckly face of a Tom Sawyer character.

Hey, that’s a natural side effect of banning all the WOC commenters over the years.

Every gender has a spirit womb.”

My thoughts exactly. It also wouldn’t be surprising in the least to hear he’s a Chauvin-ist (hey, if the aptronym fits...) as well as a racist and facist.

I wonder—if she had previously wanted an out—if the arrest was the one occasion during which she could flee the marriage and home without him being there to threaten her. When he is inevitably released, at least he’ll be surveilled enough that she should feel like he won’t confront her. [And again, like others, I

More likely than not, he’ll grow up thinking home is just a place he’ll be uprooted from in a few years’ time. It may take him quite a while to accept and comprehend being adopted into a more stable sense of family.

Oh, good to know. I’ve only ordered from Glossier once, but now I’ll definitely cease to re-order the items I liked or try new ones I was eyeing. 

‘Oh, this spring the hot trends are baroque shirts, the color coral and adopting kids from Russia.’

I’m sure even on the occasions he could hold it in, he often wound up with his braces/suspenders in the toilet. It’s so common--and perfectly understandable--for that to happen with children.

I don’t know if adopted children from foreign countries can wind up in the US foster care system.

Yeah, there’s hugs and tears and the Story Of How She Bravely Gave You Up, but apparently to the audience that’s it. You’re done.

But the name is just cringe-worthy. (And others would say traumatic—acquisitive—possessive—attack-like.) Someone should have given it a few more moments’ thought before settling on something better.

The thing that gets me is that these people feel this child is expendable. I doubt they would do this to a biological child.

Oh my goodness, I feel ya. Having a molecular biology degree and being an avid yogi creates several moments of “How do respond to this white-lady woo without openly rolling my eyes?”

“If I can’t speak out with the privilege that I have, and the benefits that my husband (Dwayne Dwyane Wade) and I have, what is the point of making it? What is the point of having a seat at the table and protecting your privilege when you’re not doing shit to help other people?”

AKA, environments.

They also recycle acts from other [Nation]’s Got Talent shows. I recently saw some hubbub recap video about a dancing pair on the show, with the catch being the woman was an elderly widow who could do impressive aerial feats at her age. I thought it must be an old clip because they were on Britain’s Got Talent ages