
I’m sure some SEO specialist at the tabs has pointed out they get more clicks when they use Meghan’s name than Harry’s. The public just seizes on anything to do with her a bit more, for reasons sincere and nefarious.

It has the stench of being put together with stock footage. The roll of the woman putting on the mask sets the entirely wrong tone.

This is nice. I was a kid when the “Multicultural” set was available, and still dismayed to find none of the shades even closely approximated my skin tone. Same with the 6-8 standard shades of [pink] foundation available in the drugstore brands we were allowed to use as teens.

I love The Big Fat Quiz and was stoked this year when we got a bonus edition to round out the Twenty Teens. I’ve also been thankful to the YouTube users who upload Have I Got News For You, The Mash Report, and Taskmaster. And for games: Pointless, Only Connect, and Richard Osman’s House of Games ensure I never have

Better Off Ted is so very good. It’s a crime Jay Harrington isn’t a household name. It always warms my heart when Phil or Lem shows up in another role (as they did in The Santa Clarita Diet).

I just clicked through to the tweet, but his Twitter account is locked. Even so, it looks like he only has about 3300 followers. He doesn’t seem to realize how inconsequential he is.

That got a snortle from me, Tino.

I had no idea what Watergate salad was, so I looked it up and it is indeed scandalous. :/
But, damn, did your comment make me laugh.

And he probably thinks he’s being subtle and clever by phrasing it that way. But even his attempts at dog whistling are bull horns.  

It cuts both ways, doesn’t it? Trump makes 8,000 gaffes and gets away with doing worse while we’re distracted. Biden gaffes, and we don’t hear the substantive things he says, which would be the useful news in this election run-up.

Seriously. That’s almost a point-for-point recitation of why I stopped going to gigs on a regular basis. Not to mention that annoying bit where a tall, sweaty idiot suddenly occupies the space immediately in front of you once the set starts.

The 70 EUR price included 21 EUR of drinks, food, and candy. Still steep, but creatively packaged to make it feel worthwhile. Even so, they’re doing a shit job of staying within the circles. And they’re Germans! Can you imagine how sloppy the dancing in place would be if they did this in LA?

he seems to be one of the few exes that Swift hasn’t penned a bitter song about. In fact, the Taylors were actually friendly post-split, per MTV News. That’s very unlike her, especially if the relationship was real.

Was just going to say that, although it’s undoubtedly a smaller paycheck, I wouldn’t call Cuckoo a step down at all. I loved that show (love Greg Davies) and  being the American crashing the party in a British comedy series is actually quite a sweet gig. 

My thoughts exactly. Especially just after mentioning that he sounded immature or naive during an interview at 19. Whenever that line of questioning took place, he’d clearly had media training and absorbed it well. He comes across as an old pro graciously handling a creepy creeper.

I wonder if he, or CBS, realises the only reason anyone gave a crap about his YouTube channel show is because Emily was able to call in favours to Lin-Manuel Miranda.

Seriously, stop making me laugh. Ain’t nobody looking at those videos and drawing up development deals.

Oh, of course. It’s no shade to Geri—I actually like her more now than I did in the day. I was more stuck on the “sport dude” as the starting point, and I was thinking that she is married to a Formula One boss, so she was my first thought. Honestly, I forget about Posh because I think time has confirmed that she had

or that sport dude who married the Spice Girl who looks like a pissed-off wax sculpture of herself.

This funniest part of this cover is “Buckcherry”.