
I loved receiving and leafing through catalogues as a teen, and J. Crew’s was no exception. I remember placing an order some time around 2001 and everything was high-quality. I got rid of many of the items shortly after finishing undergrad and paring my possessions to two suitcases, but the items I did keep I still

You might try Club Monaco. It’s similar on price points, better quality, and still a good blend of professional yet current and stylish. And BR isn’t terrible, either.

For $2200, I’m going to Max Mara.

Now playing

Obligatory ref:
I, for one, am disappointed they didn’t name the baby To-ahst.

And one day, he might grow up to be an Uncle Vanja.

Yeah, but he totally wasn’t involved in raising his first six. Social media wasn’t around then.

Agreed. I was irrationally angry with the Netflix iteration of Black Mirror when I heard there wouldn’t be a 2017 Wipe. There are just certain things you tell yourself are worth weathering yet another crappy year for in December (the year-end Wipe, the Big Fat Quiz).

But maybe, with Black Mirror on the back burner, Charlie can finally get back to giving the people who loved him before it what they want: 2020 Wipe, News Wipe, or Weekly Wipe. I’ve been in withdrawal since 2017.

I suppose the distinction is the perceived gradient of decline over time. Whereas Biden started out with a brain functioning on all cylinders, the change is more perceptible. Trumps has just been an already-festering boil growing worse.

I was too young to see Tiddles in person, but almost everyone older than me who traveled through Paddington Station during that time has a sighting story to tell. And almost everyone would say the photos do not capture the full size of this feline. Sadly, she grew to her size largely because the admiring public

Maiysha Kai, bringing it up to the next level, as always.

I mean, clearly Pence has already settled. Massively.

I’ve been watching Stanley Cup games: the 1967 playoffs between Toronto and Montreal, a bunch from the 80s, with Gretzky, Messier, Gilmour and Lanny Macdonald.

Zima. Say no more.

My thoughts exactly. I’m guessing the housing market will take a dip in many places as a result of COVID-19, so it might even work out in terms of putting off selling until better asking prices are possible.

Hah. I had the same thought about wearing dress socks the other day. I put them on my feet, and somehow they just didn’t feel right after weeks of wearing athletic/lounge socks or indoor slipper socks.

I’m so sorry. We’ve also spent the last few weeks in and out of the emergency vet, and days and nights at home on 24-hour watch. It’s stressful, especially as the abrupt change to constant human presence cannot be helpful to our pets. 

I go back and forth. I’ve always avoided the location in Union Square because the checkout queues are monstrous, and I generally like to shop for higher-quality foods at my local markets. But, over time and with exposure to other TJ’s devotees, damn if I haven’t become addicted to a few of their food items for the

You overestimate the level of dolts who can obtain a Harvard education, provided their families are well-positioned enough. Take the elevator several floors down to the sub-sub basement.