
That’s so funny. When he was a newly-minted mayor, I remember visiting SF for a conference where he was the keynote speaker. He was definitely towering over everyone else (especially the press corps), and he had that perma-tanned, smooth complexion with slicked-back hair and smarmy tone that turned me off and made me

I never liked Newsom in that era (he seem hot-headed and there were always videos of him quarreling with certain local reporters to lived to troll him), but his time since as Lt. Gov and now Gov definitely show that he’s been groomed for this job for quite some time and is doing it well with the calm and confidence of

It’s also rather common for skittish cats to run away from loud, male voices and take more readily to softer-voiced, less physically imposing/softer footstepped humans.

Every day, I find myself wishing someone with access would do the honourable thing and just rush up and off him. Jared, too, while they’re at it.

Testing out any potential GOP messaging he can ahead of November.
But also, any President should be able to walk and chew gum at the same time, so come up with another excuse, Donny of the Two Scoops (only one of which he can focus on at a time, apparently).

That’s zombie temperature range, there.

watch a couple of episodes of Daria on the treadmill

Wonderful photos, as always, and great ads for Jade and Charlie Chatterton. I’ll miss Max’s beautiful mug, but am so happy he’s found a forever home. He’s really giving you the look of love when he cuddles.

I went to the Korean market yesterday and bought a major haul of foods, including a huge jar of homemade kimchi. I have been rationing since distancing began, but needed to replenish that and several other items (they have great fresh veggies and fruits, and wonderful frozen selections for moments when cooking is less

Looks the same on the way out, too.

I woke up to news of Starmer’s victory (I’m on EDT and slept in late today) and just felt, “meh, so that’s done, then” about it. I’m from Emily Thornberry’s constituency and knew from the outset she was too closely associated with Corbyn to have a chance. But seeing some New Labour has-beens rejoice at this result by

I painfully recognize that as a “Mummy is too tired and fed up to cook you anything but this tonight” dinner. She’s probably on the brink of strangling him or spiking everything with ghost pepper.

Small correction: Jared did endeavor to do an MBA at NYU (in prep for taking over his father’s business while his father was in jail—hence the need to be close to prison in New York). But that degree and admission were probably just as purchased as his undergrad was.
Also, my Wharton alumni friends loved to gossip at

Imagine someone suggesting Hunter Biden and his ex-wife, and some of their legacy pals being in charge of a national emergency response. And yet, they’d still be more competent than Javanka.

Maybe she’s trying to kill him? 

He was a leader who actually acted like one. ... He took his duties and responsibilities seriously and got sacked for it. That sends quite a message.

Dark days, indeed.

Honestly, I think the best thing for small-time crafters wanting to help (or just keep crafting for unrelated amusement at home) is to go to individual sellers on Etsy and such places. Even scope out still-open independent fabric shops online. The choices are usually better anyway.