
Weird that this is on the programme Piers Morgan Tonight (with a guest host, thankfully).
I remember well the reaction of Air America hosts to this moment. Fox has a great sense of humour about himself (see the Curb Your Enthusiasm episode in which he guest stars), but this was just vile. Note that he also references

<Shudders.> Suppose she’s incubating another Trump spawn who will doubtless grow to rue the day they were born?

Presidential Medal of Freedom winner Rush Limbaugh

Ms. Omar has good Twitter game. And seriously, brava to Pelosi for using her white lady privilege to throw shade. No one in the squad would be permitted to do the same without being absolutely vilified.

Response from Jameela:

“the dolphin from SeaQuest”, lol. RIP, Jonathan Brandis.

Agreed. The main disservice to her is that 80s hair, which did no one any favours, young or mature. But even her outfit has this va-va-voom that some 20-something channeling Linda Evans could appreciate.

It’s just strange to me as well, because this means Weiner clearly doesn’t know any professional dancers or certified trainers of a certain age in real life. One of the key components to being that fit and looking that good at 50+ is to keep going and not give up your practice. I know several current and former

Was so glad to see this Suzanne Sugarbaker-esque rebuttal to that meme.

Yeah, but you know how sometimes white women like to make it all about them, especially when it helps them file copy.

Also: what the hell is wrong with Eileen Fisher?

I misread that as Aaliyah and was ready to take off my earrings.

Good thing Taika Waititi was also there. He can make any exchange less awkward.

At least it wasn’t a take down of this excellent and deserving film (I agree it should escape the Academy’s xenophobic resistance to ever awarding a non-English language film Best Picture). But it certainly was a bad take, because it was the same shallow, flippant snark that didn’t even touch on the arguments and

Back during 2000's ceremony, I actually supported American Beauty’s win (because it was over the other, more staid favourite, The Cider House Rules.) Mendes was a hot young theatre director who had the Cabaret revival and The Blue Room under his belt, and American Beauty was his big crossover into film.
He excels in

Worst. Mascot. Ever.

and maybe Mayor Pete (if people forget he’s gay)

Since she’s also up for re-election this fall, it would be extremely convenient (but understandable) for her to say she’s focusing on her district.

I asked myself the same thing when Joanna did her series of gormless, unfunny 60-second movie recaps a couple of years back. Why they chose to resurrect this again is just baffling.

And yet, the grand irony is that on this site the same reviewers turn around and gush over Real Housewives cast-offs and whatever Ariana Grande track is out, so perhaps they should drop the High Fidelity act, hmm?