
This is why I love comment sections. In the physical world, no one around me understands it when I say “toe-ahh-st”. They just look at me like I’ve spilled a whole bag of marbles. 

I felt the same way when I was shopping in the same shop as Natalie Portman. I’m not tall by any means, but I felt like I towered over her and that her voice was muffled in some sort of little box.

Ha ha. Remember when Michael Avenatti said the Democrats needed to nominate a white male candidate?

Eddie Murphy also looked sharp.

Seriously. Every. Damn. Time.

Seeing that image immediately conjures up Lisa Kudrow’s voice.

Such a compliment. Adele is gorgeous, phenomenally talented, and outrageously funny. I bet she’s a hoot to hang out with—and Styles and Corden are lucky to have her as a mate.
On a side note, I’ve seen reports on these pictures chastising Adele for looking “too thin”. It’s like she can’t win no matter what her size

Interestingly, as of Jan 1, Mayo is no longer even Mayor of South Bend, IN (his strongest resume point in running for President). His successor was sworn in yesterday.

At most, Kaine helped deliver Virginia, but did zero to boost the ticket anywhere else. It’s shitty and revealing that media repeated the [probably] DNC-issued talking point that Kaine’s fluency in Spanish from spending time in Guatemala was supposed to somehow be enough to deliver the Latinx vote.

I suppose we can share Dash...and George.

She actually did start off as a reasonably hot singer/recording artist in the UK, went on to judge X-Factor-y shows, got signed to Jay-Z’s label, and then was stuck in contract limbo for ages (Calvin Harris also had sour grapes and prevented her from releasing their collaborations after they broke up). Meanwhile,

She may not be cold, but she sure as hell is thirsty.

Couple portmanteau: Bill-son?

Indeed. That moment was hilarious. I’ve been a fan of Kenan since All That, so I agree he’s a veteran comedian by now, but still carries many of the skits in which he appears.

And you know the absurd reality is whatever studio and producers decided to appoint this man showrunner probably rationalized it by saying “he really gets black culture”.

The wi-fi pirating is bad enough: I would have drawn my boundaries then and there. I’m not sure I understand the dog and Christmas tree incident enough to determine what to believe, but I agree they shouldn’t have access to your home or be trusted to do any neighbourly things, from bringing in the mail to watching

I feel like I would keep DVDs due to the size of video files and the inability to stream everything without eighty different subscriptions. For audio, it’s definitely a good idea to rip them into at least compressed files before getting rid of them. I’m an album lover, so I geek out over artwork and liner notes, but

Mmmm, pierogi. That’s what I’m talking about!

Wow, if ever a cat warranted the name Coco Chanel, it’s this kitty.

Of course they’re not expanding the NWSL. So long as the pay parity issue is stalled, the funders are not going create new teams and hire new employees, who will also want to be paid fairly. It’s cynical and terrible, but not surprising in the least.