
I wish I could forget, but the fact that he’s leading some IA and NH polls makes it too scary for comfort.

You go, Stacey Carosi!

Except the hair smelling and shoulder massaging.

He also strikes me as just nakedly ambitious. What need is there for him to run, what cause that he has taken up that demands that he step up to this, despite his clearly lacking in any of the qualifications (aside from being white and male)?

We can blame this tiny handbag phenomenon on Jacquemus.

I’m no Jessica Biel fan, but good for her. It would make sense that her career is in a high place when she isn’t spending all her time being No. 2 to his massive ego.

That would have been my first thought, too. But the response from his camp is odd: why not just say it was filming unless there is something to hide?

But often addicts replace one addictive behaviour with another, less harmful one. Both cost money, but one is less likely to kill her.

It’s probably his way of avoiding talking about why he left--for fear of their retaliation targeting.

Agreed. I just wondered if there was a particular reason, like you had a memorable restaurant experience recently. Too bad the person running it was is a jerk, though.

I have to prod: why?

Firstly, I love your user name and hope you have a David Mitchell “Angel Summoner” in your corner.

I cannot star this comment enough. The ‘consultant’ angle is key and strategic—it’s the difference between people who are afraid of leaving bad jobs because of how the employment gap will look on their resume, and people who have just enough ego to say “I’m valuable and will take my expertise elsewhere...tbd”. If I

Former resident of Sweden here (but I could very well still be wrong): I’m thinking the recipe looks sort of like bars, if you will, as opposed to American cake or cookies. Depending how deep/shallow the pour is, you could wind up with something a little thinner than an iced blondie/oat bar—and a tad thicker than a

Those look delicious, as does everything you’ve described. I’ll help you eat that batch. ;)

I’ve written out all my recipes, so in case I get sick the day of, I can point to the recipes and say, “Do it exactly the way I wrote it.” And I mean exactly. I have notes where its says: [If you don’t do that, this will happen.]

Mmmmmm. Fluffy.... Buttery....

I’m so sorry. I sort of had the reverse problem last week, in that I wanted to solve a problem one-on-one with a co-worker, and she was dismissive and said “If you have a problem, please consult HR”. It’s frustrating, because our HR dept is a joke, and because they’d most likely ask if I’d tried talking to my

It’s truly frightening, as I cannot recall seeing Tory numbers that high in some time. Usually, the exit poll reveals a shocking surge of Conservative votes all done, but not so much ahead of time.

Yes, why should we trust the culinary opinions of a big, puffy guy who looks like the Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man?