
STFU, you. Don’t give anyone any ideas.
<Places colander on head.>

It generally isn’t AP Style (or many other house styles) to refer to someone as “Dr.” unless it is specifically a medical degree of the types noted below. So you know you’re reading an unprofessional resource when they call everyone “Dr.”

Yes, he was a dumb-ass mayor, he just had NYC-calibre handlers then, so the rest of America didn’t know and they reined him in before he stooped to his current levels of cronyism.  If he’d kicked bucket prior to 2008, he might have squeaked by with a legacy whitewashed by 9/11, but the dumb fucker had to keep living

In which case, let’s hope Zervos saved the dress she was wearing that day.

And it’s almost as if they leapt onto the narrative of male victimhood and female privilege.

I regret that I have but one galaxy of stars to give you.

Hm. Maybe I would tune in at least once to see what Jon Favreau and Jon Lovitz had to say about current events. LOL

Also, I’d even suggest Farrow went through actual trauma - he was stalked and harassed and intimidated, he thought he might be killed and was paranoid. That’s literally direct trauma.

And indeed, it not only drove his dedication to the story, it undoubtedly helped him as a male reporter covering this subject. While many of Weinstein’s victims were likely more comfortable opening up to Kantor and Twohey than they would have been to a male reporter, Farrow’s public support of his sister was probably

They left the building long ago, flea. I recall the commentariat complaining about the evident lack of “editorial” functioning for the last four years at least.

Tee hee. How much would you like to bet the likes are all from Jezebel staffers?

Nailed it. Where do I send your chicken dinner?

Speaking of All The President’s Men, perhaps this book and its inevitable screen adaptation will also help inspire a younger generation of investigative journalists.

And Jezebel didn’t bother to cover Kantor & Twokey’s book. Why not take the time to review that book for what it is rather than criticize this book for what it isn’t?

I think you’re on the nose here, but that’s more or less Jezebel’s stock and trade for reviews. 

fake accents Roman does for the Eastern European spies

Ooh, nice detail. Thanks for the tip.

You want the specifics of the horrors that those amazingly brave women went through? Read the article in the New Yorker.

Hats and fascinators of this sort often also come equipped with an attached comb, which is affixed to the hair, but perhaps Ivanker sticks the pins straight through her scalp and into her vacant headspace. Or maybe it’s glued onto a wig and she has a closet full of daily wigs with attached headgear.

Somehow, I doubt that if a journalist wrote a book about reporting in a war zone, and how scared they were being in the midst of that, that Megan would complain that this somehow undermines how much worse it is for the civilians in the war zone.