
That’s why old firms hand out SVP titles like candy—the delicate souls and their hysterical male feelings.

Uh oh. Better use Grammarly! [NB: their ubiquitous YouTube ads are full of such stupid mistakes that they anger me. You made that mistake in a cover letter? How are you going to tie your shoes when it’s time to go to work, nincompoop?]

When asked for comment, Pressly raised her brow.

It’s maybe a surprise because the assumption was many Dem office holders were going to stay publicly neutral and let the primary contest run its course, then back the eventual nominee. One wouldn’t necessarily blame a Dem in the public eye for desperately wanting not to tip the scales and then retrospectively be

It’s really disingenuous to pretend like there is one community of non-whites looking out for each other.

Worst part is she didn’t even fake apologize to us, she fake apologized to “community of color”....Who the fuck is that?

So long as Bernie stays alive until she’s 35, I suppose we’re OK.

Take care not to glue your head to your shoulder.

Completely. It’s like her hypothetical self knew how to make a halfway decent apology, but her Instagram self can only muster a “I’m sorry if you were offended.”

Now playing

Even beyond that, she seems to be the sort of person who is rude to other women when she senses weakness or is fearful of competition. The way she pounced in on Rachel Bloom during a Hollywood Reporter Round Table a few years back just put me off her entirely. [Which is a pity, as I always hear that her show was

For a moment, I thought that was Zoe Kravitz slagging her off, but Zoe would never. She ain’t got time for that.

Yes, which is why clueless men doing the empathy-less shrug and “You don’t like it? Find another job.” is so fucking trite.

Yes. Congress done fucked up by blocking her from heading up the CFPB. Like there was a chance in hell Warren was going to quietly go back to Cambridge and settle for solely teaching at Harvard.

Just imagine if Clinton had chosen Warren as VP instead of going with Tim “Dad jokes” Kaine out of middle-of-road moderate/misogynistic fears.

You’d also imagine Van Ness has plenty more opportunities for sponcon without stooping to the poop.

Now playing

Without clicking through, I’d assumed he was now shilling for the tummy teas Jameela Jamil dislikes so much. I didn’t expect it to go to shit (literally) and sharts for Charmin and Poo Pouri.

RIP, Molly Ivins.

You’re so very welcome. Good luck on everything. It is a laborious process, but well worth it if it allows you to go through your challenges with some support.