I think they give him a big piece of construction paper with 140 boxes on it and a jumbo sharpie. It takes a long time to scrawl each letter and dot and superfluous apostrophe and quotation mark. He uses the extra periods between tweets because he thinks he has to fill in every available square in order to win the…
I would have linked it with doddering myself. “Doddering old fool”
Of all the shit my taxes go to, it feels good that kids are eating lunch.
I also heard he was booted by the alleged grownups & didn’t actually resign, but I can’t confirm that yet.
The hippest accessory for swinging young women in 1967? Body paint, applied with a miniature paint roller from a…
Daniel Delomez, the mayor of a town in northern France and my new favorite politician, is considering stepping down…
Anger & ignorance an unbeatable combination in the age of man.
Our asshat of a governor here in Maine (LePage) went on a little tantrum about Pingree not attending calling on her to resign.
This kind of thing happens in Science (big S intended) all the time. I wouldn’t blame the doctor. It’s great that she came forward to admit her mistake in the first place. All Science is progressive and cumulative, and when it’s used in a court of law that can be both a benefit and a detriment.