Hi SNS! I’ve been not on Jez on Saturday nights for like, months?? Kenderín and I are doing well, she’s currently trying to feed and look around at the same time (low success rate but sure she tries)
Hi SNS! I’ve been not on Jez on Saturday nights for like, months?? Kenderín and I are doing well, she’s currently trying to feed and look around at the same time (low success rate but sure she tries)
The “coffee is hot lol, dumbass” joke fades as soon as you actually look at the case and discover that the coffee was so hot it fused a 79-year-old woman’s labia together.
This isn’t CNN, so nobody is pretending to cover politics from some completely impartial, middle-of-the-road approach that’s impossible to meet anyways. This is a left-wing site staffed by left-wing writers, so of course it will have left-wing articles.
I work at an agency where the men in charge are absolute dipshits who have zero clue what we actually do and kind of make it their mission to misunderstand what we do, while the middle manager women who actually run the joint are continuously ignored and dismissed when it comes to big picture ideas etc. Just an FYI.
Deadspin isn’t gone because the readership was tired of politics. It’s gone because a dumbfuck vulture capitalist tried to dictate the content while ignoring literally everything that made the site worth anything.
Good job missing the point. I’m not the one complaining about the writers on a leftie car blog doing the job they were hired to do, which is to write leftie car articles. Just like I don’t go into a Chinese restaurant and complain that my opinion doesn’t matter because they don’t serve pizza.
Yeah, Jalopnik should stick to sports, like Deadspin. . . oh wait.
Herb is doing his best to shut down the sites and make money off of the corpses... somehow.
I was also a little worried when I saw the old stories reposted. But they still did NP or CP this morning, and Elizabeth posted a story about racing. All is well.
I was also (mostly) raised in SC - live in Louisiana now. I think white people from outside the south truly do not understand how ingrained in our culture the Confederacy is. It’s disgusting.
You act as if Barr isn’t thrilled to carry out these orders!
It’s probably my childless status, or some twisted part of my personality, but whenever someone announces their pregnancy my first thought is, “Oh, no...” even if the parents are outwardly happy and excited and clearly have their life together.
Did it cause any creases or marks on your face/eyes?
Did it cause any creases or marks on your face/eyes?
I felt a great disturbance in the Reddit, as if millions of voices suddenly cried out “well, actually...” and were suddenly silenced.
Nope! There’s been a lot of hand wringing about how you shouldn’t wish cancer on anyone, and a part of my brain knows that true, but honestly? Couldn’t have happened to a nicer person. The world is not a better place with him in it.
Is it wrong my first thought about Rush was, “Good. Karma is working.”
I’d thought he’d previously done some whiskey commercials in Japan back in the day, but then I realized I’d just absorbed Lost in Translation as some sort of documentary...
...& the restless dead thank you for your service...some of us appreciate your efforts...guess not everybody gets it...but they say it takes all sorts?
Deadsplinter does not invite comparison to Deadspin or Splinter. It offers refuge for the entire Kinja community and was named after the first two main blogs to die. Deadsplinter will never be a place with ads, greys (such as yourself here on Jezebel) or trolls. We will never equate to the Kinja main blogs because we…
Oh, so it’s 2021