
So much drinkiing!

Given their traffic numbers, two sounds high.

When he does turn the lights off, we’ll be waiting.

Por que no los dos dot gif

He hates women so much. 

I watched this live (glutton for punishment), and it was awkward but I wouldn’t describe him as “storming out” as so many of the headlines described it today. Sadly I think I am ‘used’ to the things he says, but I’ll never not be angry about it.

I’ve worked at a place where resumes that had double spaces were tossed in the trash. It was an easy way for them to practice age discrimination. 

That’s probably part of it, but if the rest of the album is as vitriolic as Gaslighter (basically an anti-Trump theme) then I wonder if they are holding on to it because of that? I hope Pasdar didn’t get his grubby little hands on it. I can’t wait for it anymore!!

I’m actually surprised it’s only 54%. I’d have thought it would be higher.

Same but I’m being targeted with David Sedaris...Pass.