
I mean, I imagine my family will actually be better off financially after my death.
We’re still not happy about it. It turns out that ‘financially’ isn’t the only measure of human success or worth. But I have no idea how one would even begin to explain that to republicans.

Hi new best friend.
I would like to talk about THUG all day every day and how Angie’s MUCH DESERVED success came to be despite an industry that seems to believe that books about black women by black women won’t sell. (Also, how she’s already had to deal with a ton of issues with trolls despite being one of the most

This is probably the most fat shaming I’ve read in the comments section. I am on Jezebel, right?
Also, she doesn’t look great. She looks like a horrible person. Which is how she looked before. Now she looks like a terrible person who is also maybe hooked on some pills.

You live in an unusual district.
I taught five years ago.
I made 24K.
I make more now as a retail supervisor. And work less than half the hours.

Debate and rhetoric- two more things you might be more versed in with a humanities background.
Technical degree path then?

Since everyone’s sharing their best UTI advice here’s a post-UTI one.
While you’re picking up your diuretics and antibiotics, go ahead and get some yeast infection treatment.
Vaginas thrive on a delicate balance of bacteria and yeast. Antibiotics are indiscriminate killers, and will knock out the good bacteria as well

I think the issue is breathability and irritation. Given that most Yoga pants are cotton and breathable...I think that’d probably be preferable. But if you always wear thong underwear and don’t have a problem with it you’re probably at some magical stage where it doesn’t cause irritation, and I can’t imagine it holds

Pssst. I do not, nor have I ever, lived in California.
I do think that I’d rather not have a country than have a country under Trump, so I wish my state would follow suit. I wouldn’t be surprised if many other states consider similar measures as Trump’s decrees become less inline with our cultural values.

Not their fault for seceding, the fault of every asshole who thought we’d just suffer through four years of this. Trump isn’t something we’re going to ‘get through.’

Dude. You could at LEAST take Oregon and Washington with you. I mean, I know it won’t help me, because I’m in Virginia and our hopes of seceding are like...too small to be measurable.

Shouldn’t it be a PEGOT though? Since he also has a pulitzer.

This isn’t a ‘difference of opinion’ this is someone advocating for genocide. He isn’t just another person who happens to disagree with your tax plan. He has chosen this path.
it is fine to punch him.
We just might need to do it harder next time since his takeaway wasn’t “oh shit, genocide is unacceptable and

*raises hand* I’m also relatively tall. I have dated very short men before.
Basically, I have no attachment to my height though, and the idea of dating based on height always seemed weird. I understood that people couldn’t control their height anymore than I could and it was never a deal breaker or deal maker. As a

With this action the republicans are saying that they have no problem letting Americans die from preventable illnesses. This counts as an act of aggression and should be responded to in kind. If we’re going to die after all, better to take them down with us.
In short: It’s time to burn this motherfucker down before

I hate to #notallcops here, but as someone who was being stalked and had my life saved thanks to police intervention, I’d urge anyone who feels that they are in danger to call the police. I was scared, because none of my friends had good experiences with police. I agree that many police officers suck, and we don’t

It’s a fine line, right? That’s why I made the food comparison.
If I’m grossed out by something like mayo for example, it is my right to never eat mayo. If people ask why, I can totally say “I’m not into mayo.” Or “I’m more of a mustard person...” or even “I have ethical reasons to stay vegan.”
If I say “mayo is gross

You’re actually making a lot of points I agree with, but your post is kinda heteronormative.
If oral sex/anal sex/ all non PIV sex is gross and degrading...where does that leave those of us for whom PIV isn’t an option? Obviously these things can be made degrading (and I agree..that’s a serious issue and complicates

I’m probably going to die without healthcare.
There is nothing in my ‘big girl pants’ to equip me for this. I do not believe I am charismatic enough to save my own life via crowdfunding as so many have had to. So, yes. Until I’m actually dead I’m going to be sad, and angry, and loud.

Who the hell are these people who feel okay about it? It looks like the beginning of Civil War 2.0. Even if you’re on Trump’s team, it’s not going ‘well.’

That’s true.
But it’s pretty much never written well.
It’s usually written as a stranger or absolutely ‘evil’ character who is hated and gets some kind of comeuppance. It’s never a person you thought was a good friend who secretly had a crush on you and waited till you were asleep to grope you because he didn’t learn