
Any word on whether or not the people whose test results she forged are pursuing a civil case? 

You get that basically all pills are taken orally, right? And can verify...they do in fact work.
Weed’s bullshit though. I mean, it’ll get you high, but it does fuck all for pain and it turns out a significant portion of the populace is allergic to it.
Not that any of that should be reason to make it illegal. 

As someone who did manual labor...fuck no. You can pry my desk job from my cold dead hands.
It should be easy. From my days of manual labor I have chronic sciatica, two partially flattened fingers, arthritis in my hands, and an extra bone that developed on top of my foot (which is apparently a fucking thing that can

Probably when fewer police are domestic abusers themselves.
It’s pretty well documented that police tend to identify with abusers more often than victims, and police officers have a rate of spousal abuse that’s four times higher than that of the population at large.
Bullies like other bullies. 

they actually can’t (won’t) do anything about it even after they hurt you. Basically you have to wait till you’re dead and then people will write think pieces about ‘how could we have possibly prevented this tragedy?’ 

Dude. Fucking, right?
The entire time I was reading this I was thinking of that other recent article that brought up that one of the reasons women don’t talk to men in their lives about sexual assault is that we don’t want to be responsible for what they do with that information (and know we will be). Now we can’t

I actually preferred later season Office.
Early-season Jim was kinda a bully, and you can argue that he and Pam only pick on people who ‘deserve it’ but honestly they don’t really punch up so much as laterally or down.
Also, Karen deserved better. 

Yes. Yes, we should absolutely unionize all of those, ensure employees are getting a living wage, and are being treated fairly. Are you actually arguing we should be so selfish as to want others to be stepped on so we can have cheaper things? Because that’s fucking grim and mostly untrue.
CEO’s shouldn’t be making

Yep. Totally that simple.
I honestly can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic or are just woefully uninformed about the current realities of our economic system. Are you under the impression that all a contract employee has to do to become a full time employee is ask? 

You must believe people are shittier than they are. The majority of people are affecting by the deaths of others, the exception to this being people who think they’re ‘special’ and use the word sheeple unironically.  People who don’t care about others aren’t exactly the backbone I’d want to build society on.
I mean, I

Eugenics is always a shitty take, dude. 

I mean...I do not know whose ethics are so morally relative that they would be totally fine committing sexual assault. Even if my boss was like “hey, grabbing people is funny!” I would absolutely say “what the actual fuck, dude.”
You are responsible for your actions.
Or to put it another way, if your friends jump off

Touching people’s genitals without permission is assault. It has always been assault. It is literally against the law in every state. You can’t just agree that the legal system doesn’t apply to your company and if you don’t understand the laws protecting employees from their employers that’s a fucking issue. 

A lot of our military should be behind bars? What’s your point?
Don’t fucking touch people’s genitals without permission. It’s not a’s assault. 

I started doing this a few years ago and it has been a game changer. I just use the back of my hand like a palette and mix the two until it looks really close to my current skin tone and it ends up looking great. I’d just add to pay attention to the tone of the colors as well. 

I’m married. 

Male allies wouldn’t make it all about them. So, no. If someone tells you they aren’t comfortable with you there, then what good reason exists for you to be in the room? 

I am a woman. And you’re an idiot. A probably about to be ex-idiot if your gf has any sense. 

You need a reason to respond to someone, not a reason to not. Finite time is the reason not to. Other more interesting people existing is the reason not to. But seriously, no one responds to everyone who messages them. That would take all day and turn dating into a full time job.
People answer people who are

What? No. You don’t get to demand a response from anyone. 
Maybe they were interested, but then saw a dealbreaker in your profile. Maybe your message put them off. Maybe they only accidentally ‘liked’ you.
It’s only hurtful to you because you expect a response, but literally everyone is telling you that a response to a