
If you like the electoral college: This is literally what it was designed to do. Literally. Because our founding fathers thought we couldn’t trust the average piece of shit voter to not vote in their best interests at the expense of our country. Now we’ve got a bigot who is literally threatening the basic human rights

I’m basically a civil war hopeful/prepper at this point.

I’d rather die on my feet than on my knees and all that, and I already know that I’m not going to survive this presidency, so.

I’m always amazed at how many people think it’s okay or that it will be comforting to rape victims to say something along the lines of “I hate rape sooooo much, I hope violent rape happens to this guy, because he deserves it.” Thus spewing violent rape imagery on people who really don’t have to imagine it and

They’ve never been relevant, except as an example of how misogyny, homophobia, and racism exist in the gaming community.

LMM is seriously too good for this universe and I just want to hug him.

Dude, that’s super fucked up and ableist and something we should be trying to fight with legislation, not encouraging.
That said, the ADA says “with reasonable accommodations.”
Not helping anyone of a certain race isn’t reasonable from a personal or business standpoint, and yeah, I’d agree they can’t do the job.

I hate that it only asks whether or not a topic is important, not whether or not I agree with any part of his argument.
I agree obamacare is incredibly important.
But repealing it for “something else” is stupid bullshit.

This is going to make the revolution so much easier. Once our president is situated in The White House, we can continue to use it as a base of operations. Meanwhile, Trump Tower is located in the middle of NYC, an area that is openly adversarial to the Trumps, and whose support we can count on in the revolution.

Not sure what any of the rest of that is about (maybe talk to a therapist? Sounds like you maybe have some issues?) but feel free to research any and all of this. It’s obviously disputed (like I noted) but most historians suspect that yes, Hamilton was non-white.
As for being bisexual, Laurens and Hamilton were

I know it’s a joke, but interestingly enough, Historians agree that Hamilton was most likely non-white. Also, bisexual and an immigrant.
Guessing he wouldn’t have liked Pence either.

Heh, I actually didn’t see it was from 2012.

I will die in less than four years without access to medications. So, my comment was literally you are all in it together. I won’t be alive.
Which I’m still having trouble processing.

Except me.
When I lose my insurance, I’ll be dead.
So, I dunno. Good luck? Thanks for literally killing me? I’m not sure what you’re supposed to say in these situations.

Maybe he just realized how many people are committing suicide to escape his leadership.
On the other hand, Pence looks like he just realized how many of the people committing suicide are non cishet.

My poor ankles :( It’s either high waters in the regular length pants or cuffs on the ‘tall’ options available.
And because I’m built like a goddamn amazon either way it’s going to be in sizes on the cusp of plus size but not so solidly plus size that I can just go to the plus size stores.

Not to mention that plus size doesn’t necessarily equal obese or even overweight. People come in different sizes. Stores should sell those sizes.
It is ridiculous that the most common US sizes aren’t available in most mainstream stores. How does that make any kind of business sense?

It’s not just societal pressure though.
It’s also the very real understanding that if the person in question has so little control over his sexual impulses, why would they exhibit more control over their angry ones?
I’ve had men grope me in public before, and I didn’t respond aggressively because I was looking for

I couldn’t find a good job out of college, out of graduate school, or out of graduate school again.
Now I’m married, thirty, and looking for jobs in the south. There’s no chance I’ll get hired because everyone assumes I’m about to drop a baby and quit.
People’s jobs don’t define them. Especially given the current

I had to see a doctor over the weekend for pain in my lower back. He barely looked at me before deciding it was sciatica and giving me steroids. But the gross thing?
“Getting in and out of a small car can be painful, so get your boyfriend to drive you around in his pickup.”

For me fanservice depicts the subject as an object and makes assumptions of the viewer’s sexuality and then tries to cater to it.
Depicting sexuality just shows the character as a subject, acting upon their wants, and doesn’t assume anything about the viewer. I think that’s why I prefer it. If I’m watching a show, I

If you can’t even handle your pet (not even your avatar, mind. One of the many animals your avatar will collect) in a virtual game looking feminine, then you need to deal with your hatred of the feminine. Probably with someone significantly above my pay grade.