
Meanwhile, I adore Tomb Raider because of Lara (though those death scenes do come off as torture porn-ey), but literally made it maybe a half hour into Uncharted before I gave up because I couldn’t stop laughing at Drake. He actually reminded me a lot of the main character from the Kingkiller chronicles in that I

The lesson taught: Sometimes adults really fucking suck.

Unfortunately, that’ll probably be the most memorable lesson this little girl takes with her from this year. :/

*Begins drinking heavily*

Fine. Now that he’s out of prison, actual justice can be served. *

*Please note, I’m not advocating actual violence, but the idea of this little asshat not being able to find a job, get a date, rent an apartment, or do anything other than sit in his parent’s basement with the knowledge that he makes the top ten list

Ugh. Hadn’t even seen that one.
Although, if we look at collegiate teams, I’m willing to bet there aren’t many who are rapist-free.

I’m normally always with the victims in cases of domestic assault, and I get that stories can change a lot, it’s a highly charged event and there was a ton of alcohol involved.
But I still haven’t figured out how we (as a country, as moral people, as humans...) handle ‘he said/she said’ scenarios where there is such a

I think you would be hard pressed to find anyone who wouldn’t punch the hell out of someone who pulled a bb gun on them or hit them in the head with a broom. Sober or not. Though I’m sure alcohol was a factor.

I just reread the story because I didn’t remember the details.
Her nephew was 17, 6'9" and over 250 pounds.* He attacked Hope with a broom and a bb gun (these facts are in both of their stories. He admits to pulling the gun on her and hitting her repeatedly over the head).
The key fact they disagree on is who threw

So, Hope was a passenger in a car with a drunk driver, called out a team who honestly did play a kinda crap game, and got into an altercation with her nephew.

What’s happened to Ryan Lochte? Oh yeah. He’s going to be on Dancing with the Stars.
We have 27 NFL players with multiple arrest records, for

Me too! One day I hope I will also have a job.
Right now I have crippling debt, a 4.0, and a part time job in a warehouse that OSHA would cry over if they ever saw it.
I kinda wish I’d paid attention to advice on how to get a job :/

I just bought a PS4 with like five games for $350. (Destiny, Call of Duty, BloodBourne, Borderlands Handsome Collection, and LBP3). Should I return it? (This was yesterday, everything is still shrinkwrapped and unused). I’m trying to imagine if a PS4 would dip below three hundred....

Yeah, I’m like 90% sure our country is headed towards revolution just because of this. We have an overeducated workforce, a system that allows for the abuse of workers, and an economic divide that has most of us working like serfs for individuals who are less educated and less industrious. It’s not a good combination.

I managed an unpaid internship while living in Brooklyn. It was hellish. I shared an (illegal) rental with three people (one of whom was likely insane) and had over a mile walk to the nearest train station. I worked two part time jobs and used my school loan to pay for existing and my average night’s sleep was around

Not at all.
Saying that some large purchases: firearms, cars, and houses for example, should be based on ‘need’ and ‘careful research’ rather than ‘oooh it’s on sale.’
Buying a firearm isn’t something anyone should take lightly. Not to mention the complexities of online firearm purchasing, which would make something

Not at all.
Saying that some large purchases: firearms, cars, and houses for example, should be based on ‘need’ and’re really looking to buy guns online? And your primary ‘purchase’ factor is “what’s on sale”?
Congratulations on being exactly the type of person who shouldn’t have access to a firearm.’re really looking to buy guns online? And your primary ‘purchase’ factor is “what’s on sale”?

Wow. Those articles made me feel the same or slightly better about Matt McGorry and super negative about the article writers who apparently think ‘intersectional’ is a buzzword and that feminism can’t be about gender equality.
It actually looks like someone just hated this dude for whatever reason and then posted a

Sorry, I was using the person I was replying to’s logic and reasoning. Technically, you’re correct.
I would point out how few people like Brock Turner ever get arrested though. The problem with the data here is that it’s all going to be influenced by racism since we’re measuring cop’s reactions and the legal system

Right, so why are white rapists not being gone after with the same follow through shown to black men accused of crime? Your point was that black men are targeted more because they commit crime at a higher rate, but even in areas where they aren’t committing crimes at a disproportional rate they are still more likely

63% of the population actually, and you have to wonder how many Brock Turner’s never got arrested.

...No, the study you cited suggests that black people are having significantly more encounters with police than is statistically probable and being shot significantly more often. Did you actually read the numbers without the editorializing of the source?
The probability of being shot is SIGNIFICANTLY higher for black