
Right. Now read the actual article where they discuss the numbers and what they mean and notice how it agrees with what I just said.

Well, first of all, our records of violent crime are limited in that they are based on arrests. We know that black people are more likely to be arrested and convicted with less evidence. Even so, the rates of violent crime are significantly more even than one would expect. Now, would you like to look at the rates of

If you’re going to quote those numbers, quote all of them. White people are twice as likely to be rapists, and significantly more likely to commit aggravated assault. These numbers are all biased though, because they only count arrests. Many violent crimes have no arrests made, and arrests are more likely to be made

That isn’t at all what that data indicates and (hopefully) you know it. When black men only represent 6% of the population and 26% of deaths by police officers they are being disproportionately targeted. Meanwhile white (non-hispanic) americans make up 63% of the population and only 50% of the fatal police shooting

You are seriously underestimating what black people are afraid of. It is definitely evidence that something is deeply wrong with our society though.

Really? So we weren’t able to hold a trial for the Aurora shooter? Police have never been able to deescalate a situation in which a suspect had a weapon drawn?
Police officer’s sign up for a dangerous job, knowing guns might be pulled on them and that they might need to keep a cool head and exhaust every resource

None of that matters in terms of his apprehension. If someone committed a crime, they deserve a trial. Police officers are supposed to apprehend criminals and are permitted to shoot if, and only if, it is necessary to save lives.
It seems that most police officers have confused their role and no longer believe they

Hey man, if your meaning was obscured by a poor choice of words that’s on you. You said that people must think it’s appropriate because it doesn’t talk about sex, drugs, or gangs. I simply pointed out that that can’t be right, because it addresses sex, drugs, violence, and vengeance pretty well.
If your point is that

It’s okay if you don’t get it or don’t like it even, but it is objectively ‘good.’ When it comes to art, not everything is subjective. You can dislike things that are very good artistically because you don’t connect with them, you can also like things that are shit artistically because you just do.
But you liking

...I take it you haven’t listened to it then?
There’s an affair, several references to Jefferson’s drug use, and a freaking war. Lin-Manuel called Hamilton’s the ultimate hip hop story and he really wasn’t wrong.

Alan Moore’s Batman run and the Jason Todd incident both happened in the 80's. I wouldn’t advise either be read by children, but Dark Knight Returns is studied in most college’s literature programs because it deals with some pretty serious themes and does so in a way that is unique and engaging.
Each writer does their

No. It really didn’t. The history of graphic novels is actually super interesting from a literary perspective. Jewish authors of the 1930's often used graphic novels as a means to express themselves, as was documented in Up, Up, and Oy Vey, a great (if a little beginner focused) guide to the influence of Jewish

If we each beat him for only two minutes each....based on this we’ll serve a max of like what, five minutes? Totally worth it.

I knew a chick who majored in psychology at Rutgers and thought anti-social personality disorder referred to someone’s desire to go out and party and was unaware that many people with anti social personality disorder are noted for their charisma and charm.
There are smart people at Rutgers. Intellect and knowledge

“i went to Rutgers”

Well. That explains everything.

I may have some serious trust issues related to graduate school. On the plus side, I learned how to reveal nothing about myself ever to anyone, which has been an invaluable professional skill.

In most graduate schools such an option would immediately be used as a way to sabotage other students’ opportunities for fellowships and teaching assistantships.
That said, I wish there were a way.

That’s not so much an evolution as an unholy mutation. It has to catch on and have meaning to be an evolution. Obvs.

“The average person.”

I’m actually really curious about this. I think most people instinctively hear screams and think something is wrong. I actually got frustrated at a woman I worked with because she would scream over anything (something good, something bad, free doughnuts...), but apparently the United States has

When in’s better to care and look silly than to be the neighbors who could have stopped a murder and didn’t.