superfluous consonants

@gobblegirl: Okay, but a man WOULD criticize a woman by picking on her body. This is an argument "only girls would have" because such criticisms are ONLY leveled at "girls".

Right? Non-rapey gay people are a risk to military culture, but totally rapey straights AREN'T? Yay for the extremely belated triumph of logic.

That woman has good taste in after-award snacks. In-N-Out FTW!

This looks...not totally horrible. Here is my face of cautious optimism.

If I saw anyone, male OR female, about to stick a bright pink shirt in with the white sheets, I too would say something. The photo speaks more to this man's general laundry incompetence than to his wife's nagging. Logic fail!

@CherriSpryte: I read the "big" as referring to 1) her physical stature (she IS a basketball player, after all) and 2) her fame. Her pregnancy just adds another dimension of "big" to the other two. It doesn't strike me as offensive because accompanying photo is so flattering, it seems that the entire message is

Is Meghan McCain wearing a Lincoln necklace? With pearls? I want to go to there.

@tonightineed is actually Mrs. Ziegler: Yeah, the signs are unintentionlly hilarious. No thinking ahead! No preparation! Stop subverting god's will that you just careen aimlessly in response to immediate stimulus!

@Giant Squid trumps all: Right? PP got me free birth control AND gynecological exams when I was a full-time student with no health insurance. Would pro-choice activists prefer I just let the potential cervical cancer fester because I was poor?

@Ratinski: Sigh. What's the point of learning to debate if you're not allowed to debate the HARD stuff? What did you guys get to talk about instead?

So does this mean we're not, as individuals, ever capable of being tough, THEN tender? Because this isn't more functional than having one enormous group of people constantly embody one type and the another group constantly embody a different type?

@Tsar-Romanov: I think hate and homophobia are deviant lifestyles.

Sometimes I just want to grab my state by the shoulders and shake it. Hard. whom is this ad targeted? Men who date women who'd lighten their skin? This is my baffled face.

@undefined: I knew this, but still. Ow, my Buffy-loving heart.

@LaComtesse: "Jezebeau" is nice for its relation to "Jezebelle". Plus, cutesy!

@Nancy Bromley: He may be uncomfortable feeling AS IF he is degrading her. If I was asked to pee on my partner, I might feel similarly, even though I knew he wouldn't feel degraded. That would be a moment for talking, though, not for sneak-attack grabbing me off the toilet.