
There is no reason to be empathetic towards these people.

that the government and/or the medical establishment are attacking the family for their beliefs.

I think there’s only one thing missing from your otherwise excellent analysis: good interviewers also have to be interested in people that are not themselves. I think that’s the real obstacle to the Kardashians in this respect; they just don’t care enough about anyone who isn’t them to ask engaging questions.

I think he ate Inspector Gadget.

I don’t know how this is a discussion. If you ignore or avoid medical proffesionals and ‘treat’ your child with woo, you are abusing that child. Full stop. The same applies if you shun vaccination or avoid doctors for ‘religious’ reasons. Do what you want as an adult but don’t risk kids.

Exactly, this case is extremely extreme. I just don’t think I could watch my son suffer that way without doing everything possible to save him or make him more comfortable. Too stiff to be put in a car seat - that’s the stuff of fucking nightmares.

I mean sure, you can start with remedies that don’t work. But as you said definitely get your kid (or yourself) to a doctor when that doesn’t work.

Even their damn naturopath told them to get their asses to the hospital.

They should treat them. To an ice cream cone after their pediatrician’s appointment.

I have a hard time with shit like this. As a parent, who has had to defend many non-traditional parenting choices, there is a line between things that sound o.k. (home-made baby food) and things that sound dangerous to a child’s health and well being (not vaccinating).

Well now I have to google Jon Lovitz. Or should I not? Am I happier not knowing or caring?

I wont even bother googling.

Professional dancers are often not allowed to publicly display their personal identity because they’re seen as part of a brand—sometimes to the point of commoditization. I remember interviewing one of Gwen Stefani’s Harajuku Girls when I worked for a dance magazine. She told me a bunch of fairly innocuous stuff about

“They’re clothes for Katy Lerry to wear” is hands down the best description for Scott’s tacky designs.

You nailed it - she isn’t/won’t be affected by a single policy, cultural mentality or tradition that women are.

I would watch an entire show of Martha just dissing stuff.

I’d check this guy’s house for other items of interest. Maybe he has a propeller off of Amelia Earhart’s plane, or the clothes Jimmy Hoffa was wearing when he disappeared.

Is everyone here taking crazy pills?! RL biscuits are better than any og breadstick ever... Also, Costco sells 4 packs of the cheddar bay biscuit mix. Do not over mix, add a bit of extra sharp cheddar and they are better than the real thing. They also freeze amazingly well if you put a paper towel with them to absorb

I know it’s a major large scale battle right now, and I’m firmly on the Cheddar Bay Biscuit side of it. I like the Olive Garden’s breadsticks quite a bit, but if I have to choose sides then they’re the enemy.