
He’s since faced sexual-abuse accusations every so often.

hahaha, I’m laughing because I’m picturing my grandmother taking a sharp breath in disapproval. She used to get so peeved with us for picking on or not being respectful of the royal family when we were kids. Especially our insistence that the king looked like a duck. I mean...he does, though

Not that it’s remotely true because all babies are squee. But your comment made me think of the Tolstoy quote “All cute babies look alike, but each ugly baby is ugly in its own way”

Dinklage totally spit gum into his wife’s mouth, which is fine...I guess, but dude.

These guys WERE proud of it though. They weren’t presenting this as some shameful secret but a strutting peacock boast. The only thing they aren’t proud of is being the kind of idiots who don’t realize they left tracks like a herd of wild elephants and got deservedly doxxed.

Self-promotion: I wrote about this already, before someone had the stomach to actually listen to it and find out that they’re likely actual rapists not just sleaze. You can read my hatchet job here (and this is the last I will say to promote myself):…

It’s one thing to rant about somebody who has done something to piss you off— I’m guilty of it, even though I usually feel pretty bad afterward. But this kind of shit is just unmitigated cruelty to practical strangers. They’re wholesale promoting mean-spirited and manipulative behavior toward people who’s only crime

I have had adult acne FOREVER and finally broke down and saw a dermatologist last year. Why I didn’t do it years ago I will never know (I was poor. That’s why.). She took one look at me, gave me a crap ton of samples of products, and my face was clear in 2 weeks. It hasn’t been clear in at least a decade. I still get


“I’m not a heartless, child-kicking racist.”

Now he can get back to playing cones of dunshire

Yeah because due of a lack of emphasis on high school football in Texas, teams typically don’t have enough staff on the sidelines to be monitoring everything that happens on the field...

“One play after the umpire was struck, a personal foul was called on Moreno for hitting the Marble Falls quarterback, who had taken a knee to run out the clock. Moreno was assessed a 15-yard penalty but was not ejected.”

“Never loan anybody your pickup truck.” is a lesson that needs to be burned into the brains of anyone who buys a pickup. Just by it’s nature, anybody who wants to use your truck is not asking for it because they need to transport a cardboard box filled with lace dollies. They’re going to beat that thing like a rented

“Honest isn’t.”

As someone who has to wash dishes by hand (no dishwasher and no room for one), can I just say that all hippie dish detergents suck and you can pry my Dawn out of my cold, dead hands.

yeah like i would have been making lip dubs about social justice while drunk driving and then i’d have died with an unsent instagram hashtagged #instapride