Remember that scene in “Gia”, when Angelina’s dressed in outladish clothes in a scuzzy background on the streets, jonesing for a fix?
I have a mom like that. There’s no reasoning with the unreasonable and utterly delusional, because the person could turn on you forever for one ill-timed, well-intentioned intervention. Choices have to be made. I feel for Cliff and admire his resourcefulness. It feels shitty to be underhanded, but that’s a far better…
I love how the only reason he’s concerned about backing out last minute on his “friend” is because the bride is a “nag” and a “stress case.” I mean, what a bitch! Only bitches get upset when a “friend” involved in the actual wedding backs out last minute so he can watch a TV show that will be streaming for weeks and…
One day I would like to have a ceremony to celebrate my gay white self’s betrothal to a black man. We went to the City Clerk’s Office in NYC early on a Thursday morning and then both went to work. So we eloped, kind of. I wonder if Rachel Dolezal, aside from her painting and Africana Studies and NAACP duties and…
That hair takes effort. She was definitely trying to do something.
What an asshole. Keep your promises or don’t make them at all.
My wife’s best friend ordered a cake from a little old lady who ran a cake business out of her house. We used her for our wedding. Best cake ever, she would makethe cake the morning of the wedding. So, we are at the reception waiting on cake. No cake. We call the cashed lady. No answer. Finally we send a family…
WHOA. Holly never signed a NDA? I know this is not my best moment, but......
The meanest I was “Thank you for your time, I can’t wait to buy it at *name competitor*.”
That’s true, to a certain extent. But there’s a population of people in this country who can only afford to get books from the library, and removing an entire political ideology from the library- or all the romance novels, or everything deemed “unworthy” by some undisclosed third party- means that those books are only…
The library’s job is to provide books to the public, not to dictate taste. I disagree with Ann Coulter and Rush Libaugh, but removing them from the library is a form of censorship that a) I believe is wrong and b) would provide so much fodder for their faux-outrage that it would get them a lot more in sales than the…
I agree. The Times actively participated in this deceptive promotion. Where’s their asterisk for their own involvement?
I know this is just rich lady privilege and MUCH less important than all the other misleading crap the Times shovels out, but its very pointlessness makes it more irksome, somehow. Did they just get…
Sorry if I’m hogging the comment section, but really the bigger scandal is that the Times ran an essay by her in the Sunday Opinion section to promote the book whose lead paragraph declares herself an anthropologist, describes her as “a writer and social researcher in New York” but still does not have an asterisk.
Her “methods” were embellishing and conflating a bunch of anecdotes.
I read the book over the weekend, and found it poorly written, but fairly entertaining. Honestly, I don’t care if she wasn’t 100% honest about every detail. I have come to expect that from any ‘memoir’ that I read these days. That being said, I would be pissed if I had spent money on it. I’d like to give a big shout…
One guy we had in particular would ALWAYS find something wrong with his food. He would order everything as take out, and then once he got the food home would call and complain that something wasn’t right or something was missing.
I freaking LOVED the Beauteque box. It’s my first ever beauty box subscription and I was not disappointed. The only thing I didn’t like was the Aussie eyeliner. It was too dry, I felt like I was trying to use a colored pencil on my eye. But everything else was incredible, down to the curler and the awesome stripy bag.…