
Isn’t this the guy that molested his transgender niece? The guy that “nice guy” George Clooney punched out on the set of “Three Kings”? The guy that Lily Tomlin lost her shit at? WHY do people continue to make movies with him, and why do people continue to throw money at him to fund said movies?

I cringe as I think of all the stupid shit I took so seriously as a kid, and am thankful that my parents didn’t have the resources to cater to my every ridiculous whim.

In the summer of 2002, I came home from college to find all the furniture in my mother’s home piled in the center of the living room as she attacked it with some sort of spray. My sister, who just finished first grade, had a head lice scare at school and she was being proactive.

Her face screams histrionic personality disorder all over the place.

I, too, am not a psychiatrist, but I would hazard a guess that a profound narcissism is what makes Mary Kay tick above all other things.

I’m no psychologist but she screams personality disorder to me. She’s so warped and I think it’s unreal that she put her two kids by Vili back in the same district where she was his teacher. I mean, what in the actual fuck?

Me too. Not only a rape victim, but a rape victim and father of two children from those rapes, and in the spotlight of a total media circus. It's heartbreaking.

This story is lacking in closure

Wow, you sound like a really great person to eat out with. If you were in my dinner party I wouldn't be embarrassed by your ranting or insistence on not paying an added gratuity. I totally wouldn't just quietly leave your share of the tip on the table out of my own pocket out of being ashamed at being associated with

I hope you stop going to restaurants altogether.

I just came here to say that every time a BCO comes out, I get anxious. I have a deep love hate relationship because it triggers some sort of service industry PTSD deep inside me. I never contribute and rarely comment because I just have to keep a lot of that locked up. I haven't had enough time to recover yet.

So ALLLLLL you do all day is work a job that pays your rent, and you speak French? LAME! Why aren't you an astrophysicist? Neil Degrasse Tyson is one. It's not that hard.

I'm proud to be an American, where at least I know my cheddar biscuits will be free. And I won't forget the men who died, so I can bitch about automatic gratuity.

Not very relevant to the article, but that is a bad ass Wheaties box cover. 10/10, would idolize while munching.

Like this?


It's TWO sweatbands. Both neon. One blue, one pink. I was very into Miami Vice.

has anybody else noticed that this and the DV incident both involved alcohol? it seems to me that she likely has an issue with alcohol - and this is in no way meant to excuse her behavior in either situation - and that needs to be dealt with, first and foremost. at least the team isn't trying to cover up or ignore her

arrest of her husband Jerramy Stevens, former Seattle Seahawks tight end, on suspicion of drunk driving