
They often have to change their numbers when their phones have been taken as part of a rape investigation.

Dude i didn't mean it in a literal way.

This lipstick makes her look hypoxic.

Therefore NEIGH, I say.

Are they sure the girls didn't cover all surfaces with hand santitiser, and they didn't find evidence because it HAD EVAPORATED? Stay in school, girls, you may actually learn things that help you kill people.

That might actually be the most disturbing aspect of this story to me.

When they say don't mix Cipro with pinot grigio, they really mean it.

The irony of Phyllis Schlafly is that her life is actually a great feminist example. She's had a rich and varied career, doing basically what she wanted when she wanted, while still raising a family and building a media empire. It's enough to make you wonder if she's really trolling the right, when she

At least 97,000 people according to the hits counter. That's like a small town, at least. Who am I to deny them their breaking news?

There's no way they're legitimately fighting over this. That's what moms and sisters are for. Everyone else is a liar. Anytime my mom got a new haircut, she'd disregard everything said by her friends and coworkers, knowing it wasn't approved until I'd seen it. And I quote: "You'll tell me if I look terrible."

I'd like to chip in to buy him a cane specifically designed so that he can hit people that try to take it away from him. He can use the other cane for navigation.

I've enjoyed the first season of 'Serial' and look forward to the next season, but I've never thought of it as a murder mystery. Going in, I didn't expect a grand reveal in the final episode, a moment where Koenig assembles all the interviewed individuals in a tasteful British country estate parlor, pulls out a pipe

Does she really carry an orange pen and wear orange-y scarves to reinforce her pathetic, self-proclaimed 'Princeton' brand? I'd like to complete the look by stuffing a large Navel orange into her mouth so we never have to hear any argle-bargle from her again.

Can we stop referring to all of these people, and in general anyone else we personally do not know, by their nicknames?

Can I just say how much I cannot stand Karrueche? Because I don't. I get why she dated Chris Brown (who I don't like either), but she was like the most basic bitch to end all basic bitches. Not because of her look (she's gorgeous) or her dating Brown. But, because she didn't seem to get that of the four, one of these

Ina Garten is one of the few old school Food Network stars I can stand. Besides making good food without histrionics, I like it when her husband rolls up in his 7-series like a real Hamptons Gangsta

But on the other hand, you also have to applaud Korean Air for not allowing their service standards to slip, even the tiniest bit.

Do you think people use gifs without knowing who's in them?

I teach sixth grade, and we just finished watching The Outsiders movie (you know, the one starring C. Thomas Howell, Matt Dillon, Ralph Macchio, Tom Cruise, Emilio Estevez, Patrick Swayze...).