
You said that her reply was basically a "yes," while other women are explaining that this is typical a response that they'd give in order to turn down men they thought were "icky" or otherwise had no intention of ever saying "yes" to (busy schedule or not), but didn't want to seem mean about it. So no, it's not

It's three days of in-school suspension — it's not that big a deal. He was told not to do it, he did it anyway, so he's being held accountable for what he freely chose to do. Notice that he managed to get the focus directed on 18-year-old, pre-frat boy behavior instead of this woman's actual speech about STEM

Or, she wasn't there as a potential mate for him but as a guest discussing careers. Maybe he shouldn't be so fucking entitled.

You caught me out! I'm one of those rad-fems who thinks that when a woman is at a school talking about the importance of STEM careers, it's offensive and, frankly, fucking stupid to make a spectacle of her by asking her, publicly, to be your prom date. Essentially, what Pat said was: "Yeah, yeah, enough of the

Bey <— | — Wanna-Bey

Dumb <—|—> Dumber

I think she's implying that what is often called "sexual exploitation" is actually fully-aware actors trying to fuck their way up the food chain.

She looks great. If she's had work, it's restrained and I would like her doc's digits in case I ever come into plastic surgeon/facialist on speed dial amount of money.

Apparently 24 years passing is an unacceptable reason for looking ever so slightly different.

Calm down bro, and try and use civil language.

Except, you know, the new information about sexual assaults at Florida State not being investigated properly (multiple ones), the second consultation after an encounter with Winston, the freshman student who dropped out after being raped on campus and TPD not investigating...

Honest question. Do you really not see the news value in seeing these police reports for the first time, laying out the missteps in the investigation (many of which have never been previously reported)? Or do you personally just not want to hear about this story anymore?

Woah, also a canadian here and I fully disagree. Some people have chronic pain and are taking meds for that, some people may injure themselves (and take opioids for less then a week, which is what the study says is the average) and that's fine too. If you're not a person's doctor or the person in pain you really

Injury. Debilitating pain. Lots of reasons. And debilitating pain is MUCH more stressful on a baby than taking opioids in the short term. Read a book.

Drugs are weird like that. Just because something is strong doesn't mean it's bad for you and vice versa.

Pardon me for being very Canadian and judgmental when I say this, but go educate yourself because you're talking out of your ass.


This literally seems like the LEAST cool place in the world. I really don't understand people's fascination. I mean... Paris Hilton? Lindsay Lohan? Seriously?

I'm just going to post this again because like whatever.