She has not denied it. So either she created it, left it and is enjoying the press. Or she did not create it and is enjoying the press.
She has not denied it. So either she created it, left it and is enjoying the press. Or she did not create it and is enjoying the press.
It wasn't a very responsible decision, but it's pretty human to think something like "this $87 isn't going to make a difference in my savings in the long-term, and I deny myself so many things already- goddamit, for once, I'm spending money on something unnecessary that I want." I don't think anyone in the world has…
AGREED. And for the commenters who are already coming out to say that an $87 haircut is a 'waste of money' or 'irresponsible': a good haircut can go a long way toward making you look polished and presentable when you don't have time to mess with it every day (which you probably dont' if you work 16 hour days). And I…
It's so shitty, especially because, yeah, well, it IS a waste of money. But who cares? Everyone expects poor people to never waste money, even though they are human just like the rest of us and we all do it.
Working 16 hour shifts.... all week.....for days on end
the problem stemmed from the bar staff being unable to calculate the ratio given Mulligan's response.
James Franco and Lindsey Lohan may just define "sex" differently. Like maybe it's only PinV for him, whereas for her it could include erotic massage or fever dreams.
Here are some reasons to be on skid row at night: buy drugs. End of list.
A- Always
I don't know, their "uncoupling" message still seemed hell-bent on maintaining the perfect lifestyle facade, what with the sunny instagram of the couple (possibly from their wedding day? They both look much younger, and the dress might be cream colored...), not to mention, (as I noted elsewhere yesterday) she did a…
They're clearly not upset or they'd pull their children as well. If you say you're upset and do nothing, you're WORSE than the jackass administrators.
I want to hug this girl and let her know that she'll come out on top ultimately. I was brutally bullied in elementary and middle/high school for looking and dressing like a boy. The actual insult of looking and dressing like a boy didn't hurt my feelings (I often thought being a boy would be cooler), but the constant…
I think it'd be easy to criticize the school but, in fairness, I think we all remember that bit in the bible when Jesus, dying on the cross, says "One last thing before I go, remember to be complete and total dicks to innocent little kids whenever you have the chance. Peace out, losers."
Want very fast hot chocolate? Sure, use a microwave. Or put it on a stove, you lazy asshole.
Does anyone else hate it when people say "we're pregnant?" YOU are pregnant. Congrats to your husband on impending fatherhood, but he is not pregnant.
In other news, water is wet.
Having actually been a strategic consultant for nonprofits, I can tell you that is is a legit job and one that's very necessary. All this snark about the "philanthropic consulting" line in this budget is pretty base. While I acknowledge that there are "charities" out there that are less than effective (and…
if you look through the 990 all the fees are explained - and many of these are start up costs (website, strategy etc).
Denial is a powerful defense mechanism when the truth is too much for the mind to handle.