Ms Meyer is a crayola bitch-ass
Ms Meyer is a crayola bitch-ass
Yeah.....I'm not normally judgmental over people who complain or sue. I think many lawsuits are legitimate. But unless we're missing some important information (possible, McDonald's Hot Coffee!), this is asinine. My thought was that she either framed them, or saw the blood and thought "Ca-CHING!" Which, again, is…
This f'ing enrages me. Consumers who are willing to sully the name of a business or merchant, when that business has taken steps to already rectify a situation that was no one's "fault," need to seriously drop off the face of the planet. Why would they need to take her name and follow up with her? I'm sure the VS…
"ERMERGERD! Customer learns she is not the first person to try on piece of clothing at major, national, low-quality clothing, retail store!"
Retail employees not impressed by customer's accidental encounter with body fluids. News at 11.
Understandably shaken, Pauline asked to speak to a manager, who pulled her aside and gave her some hand sanitizer and a 30% off coupon. No one took her name down, no one offered to follow up with her.
Can we stop giving this moronic asshole more press?
Maybe if we ignore her she'll climb back under her bridge.
Black and orange are not good colors on her skin tone. Maybe her insistence upon wearing them is preventing her from finding a man! That, or her horribly anachronistic worldview. One of those, probably.
You're an honest person? You're honestly a piece of shit. Your advice is garbage and really, you're just projecting feelings about yourself towards others. You've convinced yourself that this advice would have been helpful to you in your youth because you got divorced to someone who you probably thought you would…
What a piece of shit this woman is. I'm sorry, sons of this piece of shit, that you got to be raised by her, and I hope your opinions are different. I'm sorry, possible daughters in law (though I hope to Darwin at least one of the sons is gay), that you might one day join this woman's family. Finally, I'm sorry that…
I guess they had to airbrush out her walker.
And that same "no one is in the same room" look. That random pictures of the cast mashed together front cover is just awful. I'm almost certain I've seen that exact Kit Harrington picture elsewhere.
I understand that no matter what my opinion is, she's still successful and famous, and I am also no expert in photography, but does anyone else just feel like all of Annie Leibovitz's spreads look kind of the same? They all have the same lighting and tone and expressions to me.
Was Jaime running late? what the fuck, it breaks the whole mood.
Callie, I'm really disappointed that L.C. didn't actually shave her head. Like super disappointed. I might have to leave work early.
She's incredibly talented, but belief in Scientology and awesomeness are mutually exclusive, IMO.
Be...cause this is something that is disproportionately affecting black and Hispanic women and that's an important detail...?