
6 months is a TRIUMPH. Seriously.


You know—I really do think there is a way not to be a complete asshole about one's disapproval of infant circumcision. But when...

Only when she thinks of covering herself in butter.

Yeah...easy to leave at 5 when you're in the C-suite.
She also talks about how, as soon as she is finished reading her kids a bedtime story, she rushes back to her laptop to continue working.
She also talked about hovering over the toilet with morning sickness while sending emails on her phone.
She also talked about how

But then we can't whitewash entrenched corporate sexism so that Zuckerberg gives us a bigger initial stock option!

Wow, she was 2 (fairly long) blocks from NY-Presbyterian Cornell.

Your comments were incredibly shaming, whatever your intentions.

Because it is nearly impossible to adopt an infant (which means under 2 in the adoption system) of any race that it healthy and does not have FAS. Many people lack the time/energy/money/etc. to adopt an older child, special needs child, child with behavioral problems, and/or FAS child (and these issues often overlap),

As someone who experienced infertility and underwent treatments to help me conceive, I did not realize I was shirking my responsibility to adopt. I guess all the people who are fortunate to have babies the easy way can keep on doing that while people who suffer from infertility can be shamed into adopting whether or

Thank you. As an adoptee, this type of attitude just grates. It's condescending + woefully ignorant.

How many children have you adopted? I assume you know through personal experience the enormous cost of adoption, the amount of time it takes, and, of course, the possibility of being denied after all that investment. I also assume that you post identical comments on all articles about childbirth, and that you don't

I always seem to have to point this out whenever a post on ART comes up, but adoption in many places is many times more expensive than ART. Where I'm at IVF costs $5K a cycle, and they package three (which will result in pregnancy for the vast majority of women) for $11K. Whereas adoption costs $30-50K in agency fees,

Maybe stop worrying about how people choose become parents and start worrying about how smug you sound talking about something with which you seem to have zero actual experience.

Being a feminist is not synonymous with achievement in the workplace. You can certainly be a housewife and a feminist. Or a million other things (including a man!) and a feminist. If, however, you believe that ALL WOMEN should stay at home, and don't believe that men and women should have the same paths open to

As an Israeli Jew from Jerusalem... this is the first I've heard of it.

No matter what religion, the fundamentalists take the fun out of everything.

So... you're apologizing for Goldman Sachs? Seriously? I can probably think of 50 things more useful to a programmer than nail files and hand mirrors. Flash drives should have been items #1, 2, and 3, in fact.

But Chinese Apparel just doesn't have the same phonetic/alliterative ring to it.

The only downside is that readalikes and other backlist titles that readers of X or Y series would enjoy might not get the renewed attention that the wait for the next installment usually brings.