
Yeah, upon reading this all of the three parents involved Previn, Farrow and Allen were unfit to be parents and should have never allowed to adopt anyone.

So what? This is how my doctor gets ready for surgery:

It's only ill-advised if you agree with the boycott movement. If you don't (and plenty of people do not), it's just another marketing deal.

I once read in a rather respectable Lithuanian newspaper that then President Bush was having an affair with Condoleeza Rice and was just waiting for his term to end before they could go public with their sweet love for each other. A part of me, nearly hoped it were true.

Uh, you're not kidding:

OK, just to clarify, her athletic CV is the opposite of thin. She was the biggest world star of rhythmic gymnastics for about a decade. She won multiple world championships and has multiple Olympic medals. Just because Americans don't know about the sport doesn't mean the rest of the world doesn't care. She is a total

I fucking hate that asshole Putin and I try really hard to never say that about anyone. He is evil, through and through.

"Rachel is doing it wrong, in a different way than she was doing it wrong before, when she weighed 260 lbs."

Not that he's good looking but I once had a 45 minute conversation with Steven Speilberg at a park with our dogs before I asked him "what do you do?" He said he "made movies." And I replied "anything I've seen?" That's when he took off his glasses and hat and chuckled. He thought it was "refreshing." His dogs were

This comment is mystifying.

Yes, I was also shocked to learn that mammals have hair. Shocked.

I have an idea, repost another gawker article from yesterday.

Justin Bieber and T-Pain better have been creating macaroni art. I was promised a retirement.

K, unpopular opinion time: when I was in high school in a different city, I volunteered heavily with the local public library and put on tons of events like this, with equally embarrassing advertising. The library was an amazing safe space for kids who maybe weren't the most socially adept, or who were really bright

Seek refuge from the mushiness at one of the Anti-Valentine's Day Anti-Parties.

I... kind of think this sounds awesome? And that the romance author sounds like an uptight killjoy?

There doesn't need to be any steps between those things because no one has a legal right to prevent a mother from breastfeeding her child in public, covered or uncovered. That includes asking or telling her to cover up. It would be incredibly rude to offer a towel or jacket to a breastfeeding mom. Most people actually

She shouldn't need to cover up.