
Fuck Lena Dunham.
She of all actresses knew about Richardson as a pro-claimed feminist about body shapes, etc. If she didn't, she chose not to inform herself to insulate her from possiblenl criticism. Note: she never acted like she had no idea what Terry's rep was. She made a choice to play the Hollywood game, got

Fuck you guys for linking to ANYTHING on They feature the most ratchet, sister-shaming shit on the web. Do it again, and I sure as hell won't ever be back.

Why are you comparing this man to Denzel Washington and Don Cheadle, rather than a Johnny Depp or Benicio Del Toro?

See, this is what I hate about celebrity and sites like Jezebel sometimes.

He needs to apologize to every black person, for his family's past. I suggest he start with me and come to San Francisco and make mad passionate love to me. Then all will be forgiven.

The issue wasn't that it was a parody, but that it was used for commercial purposes; this is at odds with 'Fair Use'.

I wish that the police wouldn't charge underage sex workers.

Not to mention that their own product is pink-washed and includes ribbons and dancing animals. I hate GoldieBlox because they think making a gendered building toy is revolutionary. It's like celebrating the creation of pink and purple Legos.

They didn't use the song word for word. The problem is that the Beastie Boys have really strict "don't use our music for advertising" policies and Goldieblox kinda just totally disregarded that =/

My son always wanted kitchens, play food, ovens and etc. as do many, many boys. The problem with making the stuff pink, is it takes 1/2 the market away. He wanted a white microwave, like ours, not a pink one.

Do you know what it doesn't feature, though? Their product. And that's because while their marketing is genius, their product is subpar. It's a not very interesting building toy in which you have to thread ribbons through things to turn spools. The amazon reviews have hundreds of complaints of the handles breaking

I just really, really hope they bought the song rights this time. I love GoldieBlox; I think it's a great idea, but when they pull shit like they did with the Beastie Boys, it makes me cringe.

It sounds like she was raised in an environment where she was taught that everything wrong in her life is because of her body and the related choices she makes.

yeah I was trying to figure out how the surgery would lead to that. Either she was already infertile (and didn't know it) or something really went really wrong with the surgery (as her other symptoms would suggest).

I'm confused. How did a gastric bypass leave her infertile?


Damn this is stupid post even by gawker commentator standards.

And what do you base your belief on? Cartwheels and book writing? Or better yet, her promiscuity? The prosecutor's entire argument went something like this, "They were roommates and Amanda Knox is an American whore."

I'm just so confused by this...haircut.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Yes, because 130 calories for a small milk carton and another 50 for an apple is going to last a kid through the day. Because kids don't become sullen, tired, moody, bitchy, and irritable when hungry. Because there haven't been study upon study that shows one of the major reasons poor children don't