
Unfortunately, history is littered with human refuse whose only excuse for their behavior is "I was just following orders."

In Utah, no money for poor kids food. Plenty of money to fight gay marriage.

It's great that you took that humiliation in stride and took personal responsibility for your poor judgment in budgeting the lunch money your mom paid.

Not to mention that here's the message I get:

This is clearly not the same thing.

If my boss told me to confiscate lunches from children and throw them in the garbage I'd respond by quitting my job on the spot.

Absolutely sickening.

Only if you're the kind of heathen who uses the term "pop."

Charity seeking a solution to world poverty or machine that makes soda?

Omg . . . You just made my husband snort an eyeball out his nose!

Kim, you do not need anyone to walk you down the aisle. This is your third time, you know the way.

It is pretty sickening and sad at times.

Agreed. You can't just threaten to throw someone off a balcony or break them in half every time they piss you off. I take that shit seriously. If someone got in my face and threatened me like that, I'd be calling for security. And for a reporter asking a question he doesn't like! Jeez. I'd hate to see how he acts when

"I was being nice and doing this interview. But I was too busy to answer another question, so I left. Then I came back to yell at and physically threaten the journalist after I thought the camera was off. I came back to talk to the journalist because I was super busy and had other things to do than talk to the

Seriously, commenters? This man forcibly aborted a woman's wanted pregnancy from her body, violating her bodily autonomy, endangering her in the process from the potential side-effects including bleeding, and fourteen years is too much for you?

For anyone claiming the sentence seems lenient, would you feel it was a lenient sentence for a violent rape? That is a vile invasion of a person's right to their own body, and this seems like another flavor of the same thing to me. I can only imagine how violated Ms. Lee felt and feels after having been tricked into

I shower a different amount of times than everyone else here, and I think we should fight to the death about it.

I love them, too. Whenever I need to relax, I sit on the floor of the shower and just chill with my eyes closed. I can't tell you how many times I've fallen asleep there and been woken up when the water turns ice cold.

Actually, here is some food for thought:

There's a difference between a sex worker who has willingly chosen that profession and sex workers that are being trafficked and forced against their will to work as a sex worker.