I had to google Royal Rumble. I am ashamed to admit that I thought you meant that British nobility had gotten into a brawl (Brie Bella sounds like she could be a duchess or something!)
I had to google Royal Rumble. I am ashamed to admit that I thought you meant that British nobility had gotten into a brawl (Brie Bella sounds like she could be a duchess or something!)
Yes, but does it come in red?
His whole TV career was jerking off on camera.
Here's hoping he goes to The Dr. Drew Center for Punks who Don't Dress Good and Wanna Learn to Do Other Stuff Good Too
It's possible to specify anything. Any inane or rare or obscure detail or possibility you can think of can be written out. Literally. If I get hit by a porsche, keep me on life support. If it's a volvo, unplug me. That's the point of an advanced directive (limited by medical capabilities, etc obvioulsy)
You can write the statements however you like, down to exactly which and how much intervention you would like.
I don't think there is a state in the union where your if/then statement wouldn't be valid. The problem is that currently even if you say "I don't want life support, even if I'm pregnant" several states override your wishes. Because, you know, women just can't be trusted to decide for themselves.
I find what's really fucked up is that people think the family wants to take her off life support and kill her...she's already dead. This isn't a vegetative state, she's brain dead. Using her as an incubator isn't okay.
I wish this story was getting more national press, like when lawmakers and religious zealots tried to keep Terry Schiavo on life support and it totally backfired for the politicians because the entire nation was horrified and appalled and the politicians had to back down because it was made clear that they had…
This entire thing is just disgusting, and sad, and horrible, and all I wish is for peace for this family. This is the opposite of giving them peace. Shame on anyone who thinks this is okay and shame on the legislators who made this law in the first place. How anyone can see this as anything other than a woman being…
This story really has been the most depressing, vision-of-a-terrible-dystopian-Handmaid's-Tale-future I have ever seen.
This is so embarrassing for abortions.
This just looks like before and after: heavy make-up and a dye job.
No you're a racist if you call a football player hyped up and fresh from the field a thug in an excited post-game interview. It's not that fucking hard to avoid being a racist, stop saying, repeating and reinforcing racist bullshit. Give it a fucking try. Oh, and the next time you watch a video of some white boys…
Can we assume that the series is written by one or more of the work-for-hire writers in his "fiction factory," where they do all the creative work and he takes the money & credit?
I had never heard of that company and now this is going to be my shower gift forevermore. Thank you so much!
Fried chicken and watermelon. The same racial stereotypes they used to demean, mock and marginalize black people is the first thing they turn to when it's time to "celebrate"us. Do you see that when racism goes unchecked how deep the delusion will continue to run?
They'll use the same racist traditions they've always…
To be honest, I met Joan Rivers several times one summer because I was interning with her colleague. She was incredibly nice to all of the interns and was extremely grateful to any "underlings" she came across. The first time I met her, she wasn't wearing makeup at all. One time a fellow intern dropped something off…
It's not even something to speculate about. They have STATED CLEARLY on multiple occasions that they do. They're openly "monogamish," to borrow a term from Dan Savage. I do not understand why this is "news."