Meg Griffin

I put this here,but it went on the wrong thread. Dammit

Bahaha, true, but

I think she's full of shit as far as that is concerned.

Well, in THAT case… this reviewer is a bit heavy handed in the " womanhood" stuff.
There are bits about being a modern woman in a time when women were viewed as chattal, though.

Unless you're convinced to not watch because she compared to Downton Abbey as if DA is a good show… in which case, yeah I get it. :-P

Well, I guess I could tell you all the violence and war and fighting that happens between the men(Who you only care about,anyway), but I'm pretty sure this isn't your show, since the main character is a smart, strong woman… but hell, who knows?

Well there's plenty of rape and women being beaten, so hey,you just might like it after all!

Diana Gabaldon did a ton of research while writing the books, and from what I've seen/heard, she did a great job with the actual history.

Well, I can tell you haven't read the books. It's a slow burn, but it picks up.

I was in my 20s when I started them and I loved them, if that helps…. been reading then for 6yrs…

I've seen the show and read the books… do not know where the comparison comes from

It's swapping genders because that's how the book is….

Well, I can tell you one thing she got wrong now. :) Claire is not a decade older than Jamie. She's 5yrs older….

The first couple focus mostly on Jamie and Claire, but there is also a lot of political intrigue and a war going on. It's my favorite series,and I never considered it chick lit or romance. I consider it historical fiction. There is an epic love story, yes. But there is also a lot more

They are not light. They are very intense and have a lot to appeal to men, also. Worth a read, if you ask me😁

Claire is 5yrs older than Jamie, not 10.

Horrah Aiden's dead!!

And Netflix

I love that line

Not to mention that Danny would be a complete, unrepentant asshole if he had intentionally broken up a long term relationship with serious potential. I don't think he could come back from that betrayal. For Mindy or for us.