Meg Griffin

Another thing, I saw earlier you talking about it being thrown in for shock value, that isn't the case with Outlander. I have read all of the books several times, and what happens to Jamie stays with him. Very much. It's still something that affects him 30yrs later and influenced his character very much. It's not

*********BOOK SPOILERS************
The thing that bothered me about the executioner's whole thing in the show is that in the book, it's much more pointed, and not only said to Claire, but to Jamie, too… he is explaining the "traitor's death" and it serves as a warning to THEM more than to

So were the last few books… tbh

Like that tool would be invited to hang out with the cool kids.

No need to paint the whole fandom as crazy. I love the books, they got me through some hard stuff… but I'm not so wholly devoted to them that I can't be critical and can't accept changes that are required for a new medium.

Yeah, Jamie's not given as much to do yet, but the tightrope walk he does at the gathering is impressive, and the tension much higher. I'm excited they're on the move again, collecting rent next week… this episode was mainly setting up for future stories, which I'll be glad see. I liked this episode, as I think you

I really liked this episode but agree the voiceover is distracting. Jamie's ability to navigate the politics of the clan is quite impressive, especially in the books, which do a better job of capturing the terror and maneuvering Jamie deals with in the gathering. If he had stayed hidden then he could have avoided

Haha, I was sad at that because in the book he's whispering it right in her ear, all sexy like. :-P

Colum is married. Claire is a widow, and a healer, and as such, is given a little a little bit more leeway.

This show is just getting better and better. I can't wait!

I'm finding it harder and harder to have any sympathy for Daphne. And now it's gone. I was so glad that she would FINALLY have to face some consequences for her outrageous behavior, but no, everyone tries to protect poor Daphne's dreams. Made me so fucking angry with everyone on the show.

The whole first kiss scene was just shot so beautifully, imo, with the slow zoom…
I'm going to miss Lillian.

I cannot believe how selfish and manipulative Daphne is. There is no way I'd EVER let my sister take the fall for my mistake. I loved this whole Woodside until the last 5 min. Bay gets in a good place with a plan for her life, and Daphne lets her throw it away. Argh!

I really don't get the love triangle references. It's not a love triangle at all. Not talking about you, but the articles I read going on about a love triangle. There is no competing for her love, they're not even in the same century!
Yes, Jamie is a good man, but I don't see anything wrong with that. He's not

Could be he can't grow a full, lush beard yet… He's only 22

They're doing a great job staying close to the book and the pacing of it.
Not to mention the visual effects on Collum's legs. Well done, Starz!

The short hair has an explanation, if that helps at all.

I'm so happy it's finally on!! And I'm so glad AV Club is covering it!!!

Homophobes think all gay men are sex zombies who can only think of having sex WITH THEM! Because homophobes are super hot and all gay men want to do is have sex with everything with a dick… :):)

Right. I'm hoping that, since they are trying to really stay faithful to the books, that it will cross over. Naive, I know, but we all need our dreams.