Meg Griffin

Beautiful,perfect episode

I personally enjoy this show more than ng. I am a big fan,but not a blind one who can't see some of its faults… I am going, once Mindy and Danny are resolved(fingers crossed!) There can b be more focus on secondary characters. Like ed weeks, who just hasn't had much to do this season… I love this site, but I'm a huge

She wanted Danny to see the shoes. She was trying to see if they could actually be friends…

The accent off and neighborhood pissing contest was great!

The last scene between Mindy and Danny was great. I may be alone in of, but I loved watching Danny freak out and squirm this episode. I liked him panicking about losing Mindy, and I very much liked Mindy telling him off about his behavior. I agree with Gwen that he didn't seem to even realize what he was doing. He

Considering how much I go to Target in real life, I hardly noticed… that's what my house looks like. :)

There should be an award for Chris Messina's face. He does some of the best acting without dialogue I have seen on TV… or anywhere. You can see what Danny is thinking, and feeling… and it's all conveyed so well and with such sincerity.

I love everything you just said,and completely agree. Took the words out of my mouth

"Baggy schmekle" ha!

I gotta say, I was so happy to see someone yell at Danny… especially if it helped bring about the clear adoration in his eyes while looking at Mindy while leaving the subway. Tim Daly was awesome, loved seeing him on my screen. What am I going to do in two weeks when the season ends?!

Completely agree. They are great friends, but I absolutely don't want to see them as a couple. I'm happy Danny gets some pain this time around…

I'm pretty sure, once married, no one would question the legitimacy of a nobleman's child. At least notwithin earshot. It happened a lot

I feel like the grades are flipped by accident… going by the tone of the review. I can tell Gwen was gobsmacked, because these reviews are usually up pretty damned quick, and there was nothing when I tried to make sense of what I saw two hours post-live…

I completely agree. The breakup felt true. I wouldn't have been nearly as upset by it, otherwise. And I personally loved Mindy yelling at Danny, asking him why he even started this, why he kissed her. Messina and Kaling are just so good together, the last scene was great, if heartbreaking. I don't have much to say

Diana Gabaldon takes 4+ years for books in the Outlander series… the next one if out in June, and I'm afraid to hope, lest the release date be pushed again.

I'm CLEARLY very excited that this show is back. :-)

I hope we still get to see him, since Cliff works in the building, and Glenn Howerton is awesome.

Sheesh, I didn't realize how many exclamation points I used…

"If I go home tonight, alone… I will kill a homeless person."
"I'm not literally gonna kill a homeless person, okay? But I'm gonna kill something."
Bahahaha!! I laughed for like, five minutes at this.

That is exactly how I saw it. In love with the idea of being in love.