

Also that actor is blisteringly hot. Or is that just me?

This section begins by him listing all the fantasy/sci fi books he loved and was struck by how every book was by a man. When he got to the Star Trek series that he watched and wrote "even Voyager" I was all - newp. out. not gonna keep reading this.

I was watching it with a friend who was skeptical of Luke's reaction. But I got it. If it were my daughter, all I would want to do is get back there as fast as possible. Ration dies when your child is in mortal danger.

This was, and I don't think I'm exaggerating here, just the loveliest episode of television I've ever seen. It was sweet and funny and gorgeous, but it was full of so much … what's the opposite of misanthropy? Philanthropy? That's not right - but it was all about just how fucking wonderful people can be, which is

OMG, Dev! Go back to Guisti and get her last name! They had her reservation for the next month! If i am too invested in this fictional romance, it's only because I love this show so very much.

If Rory's story is Lorelei's story (and I think it is), Logan=Christopher, Jess=Luke. Right? In my cute Gg imagination, Rory and Jess end up together with Logan pining and being rich and insufferable.

When he first showed up, for a second, I thought he was Adam Levine. That's just how douchey he was!

i was thinking the same thing!

Kingkiller is so good. But if I had to do it all over again, I'd wait to start until the third book was out. Because I've been on these tenterhooks for such a long time.

I don't know this woman. But I know if I did, I would like her a whole lot.

Aw, Will, they have to keep you on this beat! watching the episodes and then reading your reviews are like a good meal and then a good dessert!

There are other countries?!?!

So, not a big Roseanne fan, huh?


That's what's killing me the most - who was in that damn box?!?

I think so too!

But they have to keep it as a real coming of age. "Book of Three" Taran is a kid, "High King" Taran is a man. That's gonna be tricky.

I'be read the series front to back at least 10 times. Those books are the greatest.

Is the glacier metaphor a callback, do you think, to the glacier that kicked off the whole series (side note: are glaciers and icebergs the same thing?)