
“World of Suck, you say? Guess I’m done visiting Orchids of Asia.”

All the teams thinking of signing him now have cold feet. 

You sweet summer child. 

Always happy to talk about issues. Sander’s approach to the student debt crisis is better than all others because of how aggressive it is (and it happens to be something he can do unilaterally with an Executive Order). Sanders’ Green New Deal isn’t just the most comprehensive - its also the ONLY one designed to reach

“compromising with ourselves”

Maybe someone brought him out of the grays but I only replied after. It’s a shitty argument that he made. Let’s do all we can to make sure people don’t fall for it.

The tragedy of Bernie Bros is that the term is still being used and that it’s being used as a reason for people to start favor Warren. It should be dropped.

What in that comment was Bernie bro-ish? 

I really don’t like the “compromising with ourselves” strategy that timid Democrats have been victim too while radical right republicans have chewed away the safety net and our human rights. In 1980, would people have predicted that abortion would practically be illegal, the Voting Rights Act have been eviscerated and

I’ve donated to both Sanders and Warren in this election cycle. Moreso, to Warren than to Sanders. However, my politics line up closer to Sanders and to what I want for this country. I’d be very happy with Warren as well, but I do think she can go a bit further in some of her policy. For example, she is a big

What a bizarre and sad comment. No one is rubbing your nose in failure. That is your weird take. Bernie puts out the best policies. Find someone else that puts out those policies and they are just as good.

Bernie has pushed the conversation left and forced those who take the money of rich donors over the concerns and hopes of the people defend their actions. That is the gold standard. We need sweeping progressive reform and we needed it decades ago. The “slow rollout” of change hinted at by the centrists is long past

So do the folks at the Orchids of Asia...

Is there a single time in any celebrated pro athlete’s career when a victim of theirs coming forward with an accusation won’t be met with “hm, interesting timing to say the least!” The accused is virtually always in the spotlight doing something, meaning an accusation can virtually always be (idiotically) countered

Seems like you read almost as well as AB writes.

Jesus, can this please be true so I can stop hearing about this dipshit every damn day now? And those texts sound like they back up some of it so he better hope he got that new contract guaranteed now.

What the everliving fuck is this shit.

Luck’s choice didn’t happen in a vacuum.  How the Colts handled/mishandled his injuries are relevant to his health and this choice.

Hopefully his brother will take solace in the fact that the free market demanded David’s death.

2016 called and wants its silly take back