
Yeah you just described a modern day Clinton/Obama style corporate Democrat. They are the Republican Party from 20 years ago while the current Republican’s are crazy people.

Wow I was unaware that there were government-paid car dealerships in this country. I don’t think you’re quite getting the point of the original protests

Wow. I follow politics pretty closely and this is the first time I’ve heard the “Bernie Sanders doesn’t care about minorities” line of thinking. Bernie has some questionable beliefs (mainly when it comes to dealing with other countries) but he seems to be one of a handful of politicians who actually care about the

I think you just described the United States, not just ESPN

“Just do what the police say and you won’t get shot”

I worked at Electronics Boutique and the exact same thing happened to us all the time. People figured out what they could get away with and exploited the system as much as they could. I felt real bad for the people who used it correctly but lost the privilege because of some bad actors.

Don’t fuck with the rich in this country.

Cancer is not what is causing McCain to act as if he has a soul, its the utter uselessness of the money he was receiving from lobbyists now that he has cancer that is doing it.

He served his “jail time” already. That does not mean he will be able to do everything he has ever wanted to do.

His future employers can though and seem to be doing just that at the moment. I know football teams always seem to hate those pesky distractions and it looks like allowing a rapist on your team may be causing one of those.

He’s suing while using a “anti-male” reasoning...I’m not entirely sold on his rehabilitation.

Or hand it to the guy who is actually leading the party (even though he isn’t even a Democrat) Bernie Sanders. I love Jon Stewart but I think he is much happier doing what he’s doing now.

Any time I see a video like this (which tends to be every day now) I’m reminded of what my guy Jimmy Dore keeps saying, “all cops are maniacs”. He believes that if you are a good person who is a cop you will either become complacent and join the other shitheads by either taking part in the lawbreaking or just keep

Pat Robertson would like to join that club as well

I’m in that same boat. Nothing causes me more self hatred than seeing what is on ESPN and knowing how much of my youth was spent watching that dreck. It’s embarrassing

I distinctly remember Lombardi claiming that Brian Hoyer (of all people) was a blue chip QB. That opinion was so stupid it imbeded itself in my brain and I can’t remove it

A Progressive party would work fine and not become corrupted as long as they were able to pass an amendment removing corporate donations. Once politicians have to start asking the common people for donations since the big money isn’t coming in any longer, you will start to see more progressive policies being passed.

They don’t receive free money, the government invests in them, they receive an education, they are able to get a good job, they start paying their own taxes that are then used to help pay for another person’s education. Why is this so hard for some people to understand.

All of those “stated platform” pieces you speak of are not what the establishment Democrats want at all. Hell, it took Bernie Sanders’ delegates to fight tooth and nail to get even the smallest progressive policy to show up in the DNC policy platform. Democrats like Clinton (rarely) and Obama (less rarely) will add
