Megara Justice Machine

Meh, it's been sexualized since that movie Beach Blanket Bingo.

The Avocado's daily political threads are good reading.

Ah, that old chestnut! Soon to be lost to the Kinja debacle…

Check out Wikipedia's list of shows Netflix is producing or is co-producing, it's nuts - easily the content of 2 or 3 channels. Funny to compare that to what "TV" was back is say 1970 for content. I think Netflix does have a better track record than "TV" did, yeah.

True, every store brand does this. Sounds like TJs just puts an extra veneer of hominess over it. I think I've seen something of the same idea at the local Krogers ("here we call 'em King Soopers, pleb!") with their store-brand stuff. Gone are the depressing "if you can't care to buy better, we don't care to gussy

Or something from the Handmaid's Tale line.

Is that "Simpsons" show any good?

Never saw it, I was a pop culture hermit during the 90s and early Aughts.

They should use that line in their marketing.

I'd have been in both of these for those checks too. I can't fault them, really.

You know, reading this made me pine for the alternate universe version that was made by good people who turned out a greta film like the LEGO movie. Damn it, this could have been great, that's a good voice cast! Why the hell doesn't anyone try? (this is something I ask myself at work a lot; my job's not all that

Man this whole "oh yeah, prove it!" internet argument nonsense sure does get old. If you're an adult, you know what it means to be an a-hole to someone and how generally that's frowned upon.

Companies are people, my friend! So they do have freedom of speech too, I guess.

Being ":not professional" alone is grounds enogh to fire him.

Agreed, let's go right ahead and win this label war for once, because it's pretty cut and dried this time.

So the guy basically decided he wanted to be alt-right famous, and the alt-right fell for it. They are so smart to see through the deception all around us though!

A lot of talk below about the historical inaccuracies, but, as we've come to learn, historical accuracy isn't much of a consideration for the adoration of something from history.

No, this is Patrick!

Because you're obviously a mature adult?

Gee, wonder why they're not nice to you?