Megara Justice Machine

This, Kinja is a known beast and generally disliked. Its set-up is not conducive to the kind of community the AV Club has (for the next few hours or whatever). Just go over to a Gawker site and image trying to read the long threads of comments in that format. Better yet, try and use it, ha ha!

Thanks again for taking the time to write these up. I just have never gotten into podcasts as I don't feel like scratching out the time to do something with my hands or whatever whilst listening to people yak; without you, all this priceless Dan Savage knowledge would have been lost to me!

Here's how it goes kinja-folk: I read stuff here and over on some of the Gawker sites too. Here I'm more likely to linger for a long time and to revisit (meaning reclick) to read what's in the comments section.

Was… was this interview from before the election or something? Scott's not so great a thinker himself, if not.

Someone who's 70 years old just hasn't really heard much about Hitler and his friends? Really Bill? Isn't that sort of weak even for you?

“Don’t look" sh and could be the defining phrase of this administration, on many levels.

A friend of mine used to refer to it as "stale dog-meat" pizza, which was about right.

I found the latter League of Extraordinary Gentlemen volumes to still be quite readable with the usual flashes of Moore's brilliance and O'Neill's awesome drawing, but somehow they felt a bit perfunctory by this point. Still better than reading anything Batman though.

I would think Doctor Who is a harder sell. Red Dwarf is straight up comedy, which is always popular, but Doctor Who only has comedy in generally smaller doses, plus an amazing fifty year backlog of some of the shoddiest productions the BBC every greenlit and regretted; even with the new show, let someone throw a dart

YouTube is where I saw it.

Another upvote for experimental. Sadly, no one's ever come to see my Todd Dockstader tribute band, Luna Parkour.

I still think it's an off-shoot of just hating people you perceive as being different from you.

I probably haven't heard that song in thirty years yet was just listening to it tonight.

*quick cut to Ernie@kinjatech typing quickly while staring into computer screen*
"Huh. I really should read some of these posts sometime."

Once the Kinjapocalypse has come to pass, can these guys hack the AV Club and return it to Disqus?

It can be done, but they'll need to do so very carefully, cognizant that they may be misconstrued in intent. But it can be done artistically and well.

I'd be willing to cough up a Notsie tax, say five cents on every tiki torch sold, to see this happen.

The president so bad that a second-rater from SNL is a bright spot? This is indeed the darkest time line.

Man, I don't know about that, I just don't know…

When I was in the Netherlands during Bush's reign, I just told people I was from Canada and it seemed to work.