Megara Justice Machine

I'd watch it all.

Anything is possible, yeah.

A Doctor Who news site I go to says he is indeed WWi and is called just "The Captain."

Change, not back-tracking.

For a show that has to fit within forty-odd minutes, I think that makes things too cramped for the writers.

Aw man, I was holding out hope she'd be back for next season.

Just how far away is Christmas? *checks* Aw hell!

"2 Stranger 2 Things" was right there.

Too low energy to really be seething there, this just looks like lazy ignorance and casual dismissal to me. Not that others guilty of that don't exist out there in government.

Christ, I hope I never have to listen to these two chucklefucks discussing dysphoria or gender issues again, what a combination if staggering ignorance and flat-out self-serving idiocy.

Regarding Jodie Whittaker, she's not the only cast member on this show that I've felt that way about.

I like winter, so that wouldn't bother me - it would be a plus in fact.

Colorado has it's boring flat areas too, but they can be easily avoided. And elsewhere is very beautiful.

Babies need to be fed, after all.

I hadn't thought about it until you posted, but I'd probably choose some place in the Netherlands too. I've visited a few times and pretty much liked every place I saw, even the smaller podunk areas.

I live in Denver and have been to DFW (although that was years ago) and the two do feel somewhat the same in that respect. Even if not for the better weather (less heat and humidity!) I'd still choose Denver over DFW though.

On the other hand, maybe that person finds it relaxing to put all that stress aside for playtime when they get home.

I get that way too when trying to sleep and I've had too much. My suggestion would be to ask the shop owner (I'm assuming you're buying this legally?) for suggestions for a less-powerful strain. And be sure it's one that's good for promoting sleep.

Most frightening blowjob ever.

Anything to assign blame, right? Plus you get to blow dudes!