Megara Justice Machine

Some nice stuff can be accomplished just by going out and pointing the camera at stuff, apparently. Perhaps later the lessons learned by doing so can be applied to another more intentional film, but that doesn't detract from the (apparent) beauty to be found in this experiment.

Judging from the comments below, that helpline is getting a real work-out.

I haven't seen this one yet but I'd like to take a moment to heap some praise on Sava (and the show, apparently) for standing up for abstract art. That "a four year old could have done this" type reaction has always bugged me. No one "made" the sunset or swirled the stars into a galaxy, but does that render them less

Try Flatline from previous season. If that can't convert you, nothing will and you can drop this show for good.

I took a look over there and it still seemed to me that a majority of the posters were fine with it and were having fun poking the other side in the eye (something everyone seems to enjoy on 4chan no matter what side you're on). Even still, at least when I looked in it wasn't much of an uproar so much as mere

Can't wait to start hating on the new guy!

I've seen a photo of letter to the Radio Times (I think) saying just that, so yes, same ol' same ol'.

There's a reason the "special snowlflake" thing made its way into the discourse. Yep, Tyler Durdens.

Can you Attack The Blocking? Nope.

You missed some good work then. Go back and give it a shot and remember Doctor Who has always been of variable quality, even during it's best periods.

They've been announcing the new casting since the 70s at least, albeit with much less fanfare.

Same level of special effects too.

The guy who played the second Doctor told the guy who played the fifth that three years is best for your take on the character and after that you'll probably wear out your welcome, and that advice appears to have stuck, for the most part. It also appears to have been widely true, I mean, everybody thinks highly of

That's what I heard last, and I do follow details about the show more than I should, so…

You're obviously a terrible fan of the show, every change is supposed to make you angrily post how it used to better.

I nominate Marmaduke, it's like living with this really big dog who's a real pain in the ass.

*shrugs, gestures vaguely* That's life.

So this is finally the year when the least-deserved shit-eating grins truly became the face of America.


"But how many other book titles are there out there that everyone's heard of?!"