Megara Justice Machine

It happens; if so, you can ignore me. I'm an idiot - ask anyone around here.

Mine too! I loved the brilliance of using a super-cheesy but very affordable effect for the Megara and it's always stuck with me. It's good to know the occasional person out there gets it.

Just like watching the show!

She's no actress yet those scenes were heartbreaking because some real emotion came across; knowing she's no actress, you know that was therefore real.

You know there might be a chance that something's going on in the show that you're missing - or that just isn't something you enjoy but others do. No need to resort to masochism to explain it, nor being baffled by it.

While watching the NIN bit, I too was thinking about fast forward, because I'll be rewatching this one with my GF. That song isn't at all the sort of thing she's into and I'm just sort of meh on NIN, but rather disliked that one, even for something from TR. So next time I'll probably jump past it as well, maybe

We've been asking this question for so long, it's nice to finally have closure.

"Help help I'm being repressed!"

That thing has always been something of a jump-cut scare for me.

This comment stands alone amongst a field of "This user is blocked" notifications for me, and made me chuckle.

Ah, the ol "you only think you like this stuff" argument - and I'm so close to a BINGO moment now.

Give up! Precious little of it is worth watching and won't miss one goddamn minute of it after you stop.

How many mysteries have been published this year alone? Just because ground has been covered by other artists doesn't mean you too can't cover it yourself. The trick is to bring something new to the table when you do it; you are free of course to think Lynch hasn't.

Well chosen handle there.

I would consider myself a die-hard fan of Lynch, and I'm a die-hard fan of Doctor Who too, and I'm willing to call both of them crap when they are (Doctor Who makes that easier, but that's another story). I've never liked anything Lynch did other than his TV and movie work his art is bland and empty (and, I feel,

Is there any chance/talk that it might continue past these 18 episodes? I haven't heard any, except on the playground of comment sections like this. And considering how far wrong I got steered on sex, I do not want to get my info from just any ol' playground.

That this show evokes the above sentence is one reason I find it so much fun.

It's a bit disturbing to see you some positive. Upvoted!

I was surprised they even kept the sing-song voice, and shocked they made it somehow work.

Yeah, he's said he used to watch the old show and being bouncing in his seat at some development, "you guys have a TIME MACHINE right there!" but the old show mainly just used it as a doorway to the next story. I've been more than a fan of his timey-wimey shenanigans and there were a number of seasons to make up for.