Megara Justice Machine

A friend I watched this with brought up the point though: why is she even still traveling with the Doctor? She came so extra-close to death on the zombie space station, and even past that is now being told to pal around with the psycho-lady. I don't support this "reality plot hole" idea too much, as this is Doctor

You're a more stout fan than I then, I just can't seem to find any enjoyment in the show after Tom Baker left and before the return.

I can recognize that it would be nice for Whovian timelines to fit with one another, but it's really not likely or essential - just the way we like it!

Yes, a friend I was watching this with mentioned it, and I can see it. He also pointed out it seemed to share some DNA with Disney's The Black Hole, but I don't remember that one well enough to say.

That describes just about every Cybermen story though!

Yeah, to everyone else, including people who'd seen any of the marketing material, we knew it was coming from a mile away, which made for a sort of zingless episode, barring all that other good stuff; we were watching a mystery that we'd already figured out ages ago but the characters on screen hadn't.

You don't know my commenting history or where I tend to comment, dude. Sometimes old habits die hard and I didn't feel it was worth risking a "awaiting moderation" tag. It's not like any of this is important anyway, right?

One gets used to trying to skirt Disqus censorship, goddamn it.

It's a wonderful interpretation.

I prefer to think these sources - mainstream sources! - can help some see the light, or at least educate the up and coming generation. Remember how much fun it was when you heard your first song that had the word "fvcK" in it? Kind of the same thing, "anti Reagan and stuff man, yeah."

They would rather watch others die in agony than pay one fvcking penny in taxes.

I've always hated My Sharona - sorry Gwen! - at least, until IO heard the Chipmunks sing it at 16 speed:… It starts at 35:28, but really, all of this is golden in one way or another.

You just like it that way. Some people have loads of friends, some few, aint nothing wrong there.

I don't think Dan meant that as a hard and fast (ahem) thing like it's written in blood, just one of those light sorts of things that a couple might do. I don't think it was meant as a "OK, now you have to do [extremely squicky thing I know grosses you out]."

I have to admit I wasn't feeling this one anyway. Then again, I wasn't feeling Rogue One either, despite what the courts said, and that turned out OK.

But we could get another Dr. Cornelius Evazan and Ponda Baba cameo out of that time period, just like in Rogue One! Think how awesome that would be!!

"How dare he criticize the way his school is run, doesn't he realize he's lucky they didn't just shoot him out back or something?"

Another good choice, yes.

Lynch has always written weirdly tin-eared yet still somehow interesting for being so dialogue.

I'm pretty sure the figure in the jail cell was Jerry Horne who just ate too many pot-infused things, which lead his spirit to bouncing around looking all black for some reason, then to waking up lost and calling Ben. And I think this would be him too.