Megara Justice Machine

I'm getting the idea you have trouble with the show's pacing…

I don't know what it may or may not restate - one reason I'm enjoying watching it.

I'm guessing a fair number of people younger than I won't get it, and I only sort of get it as it is.

If we limited anything to saying something new about its topic, nothing new would get made; better to wish it restates it well.

He is pretty much the focus of the show though, everyone else is sort of side-characters at least right now.

So anyone want to take bets about if or when Invitation To Love gets name-checked? Maybe they're going t bring it back in-universe too, like that gum you like.

Well he did look sort of shocked, and he was also petrified, so no he probably wasn't enjoying it.

But he was high, maybe he wanders into the Black Lodge while high.


I mention it below, but I thought it was Jerry Horne who had earlier been seen munching on pot-infused stuff, showing up all black for some reason. I can't explain why that would have been him, but… this is Twin Peaks after all.

We all do too.

Ontkean retired from acting and didn't wish to return.

I was sure that prison spirit was Jerry Horne, who in his previous scene was ingesting a bunch of edibles. I have no idea why that would somehow project his spirit to that prison ("this is Lynch"), but it did look like him if you painted his face and everything he was wearing black - or at least it did to me.

"…Doesn't really fit the tone of the old show at all…" I thought I read somewhere that Robert Forster was Lynch's original choice for sheriff but they had to go with Ontkean because Forster was busy or something?

Wait, Rob Schneider is a comedian?!

STOP WATCHING FVCKING 'REALITY' TV! Nothing good has ever come from and plenty bad has.

PR, publicity.

Oh god no!

So has Alex Jones yet claimed that the congressional shooting was a false flag? I've never even heard of this "house majority whip" guy! Must be an actor.

Just because Whole Paych— Foods catches hell everywhere for asparagus water etc., I want to pitch them some love, as I am a contrarian.
- Sometimes they do have fresh fruit and other things on sale for less; last week their cherries, from the same place as the other local grocer, judging by their labels and look,