Megara Justice Machine

Hey, same thing in Denver, must be a conspiracy!

Don't praise the machine.

Nathan's pitch would have far more elan than this does.

Building design is for the east/west coast elites, Walmarts are just no-frills warehouses of cheap crap storage.

Sean, in your rush to slam Walmart, you neglected to mention they also enjoy paying their employees little enough that they qualify handily for government subsidies such as food stamps, meaning the the US tax payer helps subsidize their operation. I'd be mad finding out they have my pants too.

Welcome to 2017!

This reminds me of something I heard a long time ago, about how there are two kinds of people in the world: classic Disney fans or classic Warner Bros. fans (you can probably track yourself which studio I'd assign for which band here). In fact, it would be interesting to poll some folks on both and see if there's any

I see nothing but good coming from this:

I like it, but according to an internet search, you're not the first to grab that word.

Yeah, nice of him to finally come around after all those other shootings only when people he cares for get hurt. We're all human, so now learn this lesson well and don't F it up later.

Check his comments, Surendra is a very positive poster!

Man, this guy just seems goofy. I don't think I've ever seen any of Stone's films, am I missing anything at this point or can I just safely file him away with Mel Gibson and all those other "famous people who I don't really care anything about"?

I was about to post that. But don't worry, Kinja will kill that for us once and for all!

I would do horrible things to a cherry pie to see Lynch make test patterns. Let me know when that day comes.

Now if we can just get everyone else to do the same, we'll be set.

Relax Werdup, it's the AV Club.

Last episode's scene where everyone was yelling at him to get out of the way so they could get off the elevator was great. Maybe there's something here about elevators as metaphor? Probably not, but!

.hctac eciN !Ebyam

That's a good point - this really is unlike anything else I've seen on TV before.

Yeah, his scene with the hooker made him seem like a pretty normal joe.