Megara Justice Machine

Nope, more fun to complain online!

You can easily contact both companies online and give them some feedback. Have fun!

I've sat through Inland Empire twice or maybe three times now and there does seem to be some sort of through story like with MH, but I'm still not 100% on it either and figure it actually got lost-ish underneath the film's running time. If it had been trimmed down by an hour, it might work out, but I for one would

"The transfer of platforms isn't necessarily going to make things worse than Disqus".. Having tried a couple of times to set up an account I could log into later and not being able to, yes it will I say.

"Those are both tremendous building blocks for a story, so it’s frustrating that the episode ends up doing little with them." This describes just about every Gatiss episode. I mean, I don't mind him, there's room for everybody here, but… yeah.

This is really sad because Kinja is terrible; I tried using it a couple of times and got nothing but grief from it.

These Republican frogs are sitting in a pot of water that's slowly starting to come to a boil and just will not admit that things feel warmer.

I've been calling that … one guy Trump spawn Odo ever since I first saw a picture of him a couple of months ago. I'm not petty though, Stephen can keep the joke, he'll do better things with it.

I was thinking about how useful such a tradition of joke candidates would have been to the US lately. Imagine if we had the me tradition of people dressing up in silly costumes and proclaiming obvious nonsense running for power (I'm sure you can see where I'm going with this) - we'd have grown inured to such idiocy

Nah, man, you've forgotten how much neo-notzies love TV shows about bi and queer POC and built-in racism of our "injustice system". This is one of the best for that!

But you'll miss all the riveting stuff that's equal to your own comment! And this one!

Coal miners last twenty years on the job?!

Love that end sentence Dennis, yes I do know it already.

so much spoopy

"It Comes 2 Night" was right there!

Mostly joyless blurs of digital murk

*polite golf clap*

I've got Alf at three to one for next week. Oh c'mon, you know Lynch could make it work.

I dunno man, I'm thinking there's more than enough going on to spread it around and still leave more for the next investigation/testimony.

But on the internet it's anyone's god given right to proclaim as loudly as they want that someone or something is simply wrong. In fact, I think over time it becomes a compulsion they just can't fight.