Megara Justice Machine

I really do wonder about that "democrats obstructionists are stopping me from staffing posts!" thing. I mean, when a Trump supporter hears that, I'm sure they believe it at first, forgetting that there just aren't enough democrats in the house and senate to block anything. But assuming they don't plug their ears

Keep clicking on it and convincing them it's popular, way to go!

I read a lot about books but don't actually read too many books - silly of me - but this really makes this book sound worth picking up.

Nah, if it aint working for you know, give up and do something else.

The TV show, as was pointed out in the article, perfectly did not taking itself too seriously, which 100% fits the story; with eyes trained for special effects in 2017, it even works better I feel. Something like MST3K in skill level, but who cares? Just relax. Fun doesn't need a squillion bucks for special effects

"…the television incarnation of Hitchhiker’s should be better appreciated. "


Thanks for writing this Sean, I was just talking about this on The Avocado the other day and you covered it better than I rambled it out.

It seems as if they know that can't make things look real so they cover them in pointless detail like something from an obsessive's sketchbook, then just use "blur" a lot whenever they move to connote action and to hide the fact we are, in fact, just watching a lame CGI cartoon. Which is true of a lot of movies these

Nothing. To see something back then presumes I can see it with a mind and experiences from back then, but that just wouldn't be me, really. Or it wouldn't mean the same thing somehow; some stuff was "good for its day" but doesn't really hold up now.

I plead Canadian when asked when I was traveling in the Netherlands during Bush's term and never had a follow up question. Maybe they knew I wasn't and were too polite to let me know they knew. Either way it worked.

It’s okay to snicker at the “your anus” pronunciation of Uranus

Really sorry to hear about the sitch with Mrs. Launcher, I wish you both the best possible outcome. And thanks again for these write-ups!

But we all know how people in their twenties or so are really the first people ever on earth to discover sex - I know I was.

That was me read too, the way they showed us the frost-covered windows again just as they had been back when she stayed over.

Now I know what that one extended joke on the new MST3K was all about!

Convfefe all you want, we're still going to all end up in hell soon.

Twin Peaks is not for you, please change the channel to something you'd enjoy. Thank you.

I finally got to see these two episodes over the weekend and my god have I missed having more Lynch in my life. I've rarely seen stuff that's so enthralling (at east to me); Aphichatphong Wirasetthakun films have some of the same quality, but Lynch's dreamy-stuff take far darker turns, getting it uncomfortably under

Knowing my luck, I won't even rate a mention in Keyboard Intestinal Parasites.