Megara Justice Machine

Pro-wrestling is way more popular than comics these days, much as it pains me say so.

That was my first thought too, although I sort of agree with Dwarf below. On the other, many minds within the comic book market are indeed small.

Bacibaci Beninobenone confirmed for Alan Moore!

Some of us respect the artist for taking risks rather than churning out safe work, but you do you.

I took it as a pretty strong artist's statement of "this is what I wanted it to be no matter what anyone else thought it should have been," or even a "I don't care if you like it" sort of stance. So maybe not?

Agreed, I'd rather have the show fail sometimes than turn into white bread.

I saw that clip first before seeing the episode and it took an awe-struck handful of seconds for me to realize just what was going on it that scene, then the dawning realization that the show just did what it did and wow that's awesome.

I actually liked it - it cues us in to the fact the Black Lodge is integral to the new show (at least so far) and the way the camera's movement over it speeds up and starts to strobe the floor seems to imply things are going to get very out of hand. In other words, I found it evocative rather than just being "out of

Where we'll just throw in every scrap of paper about his presidency and hope we can forget it.

I really like this film and the soundtrack was great - as is this write up, kudos - but man, what a missed opportunity that Coil never got the chance to work with Lynch. If nothing else, they as a single band at one point or another in their career covered/twisted/aced just about every genre mentioned above.

I find "too clever by half" and "puzzlebox" to be buzzwords thrown out by people who still haven't explained to me in a real sense what they don't like about Moffat's writing. He's not perfect half the time or more, but you might as well just tell me it's "cringe-worthy" while you're at it. These phrases don't

To be fair, I, Robot has a better pedigree than Terminator.

If only Trump could be more Nixonian!

While talking with a friend about this, I think we nailed the next Terminator installment: Skynet didn't decide to destroy humanity out any Frankenstein-like rootless evil, it wanted to take over when it realized mankind was far too stupid for its own good, which triggered, like a parent trying to take something

Oh great, now Google is telling me I can't draw and roping in everyone else to tell me I can't draw.

Even Nixon kept a core support of something like 30%. (Of course, with China, methadone clinics, etc. he actually had done something to earn at least a modicum of respect by the time he had to get off the bus.)

Really, assuming you ever look back after posting any of your nonsense (or perhaps you just move on to the next account), can't you tell that by now that you're wasting your time posting anything like this here? Begone!

Very true, but every news source does this - even respectable ones!

Let us never fail to reprint this comment in the comment sections of every Alex Jones news story that might ever threaten to darken our national conscious again. "The man lost a fight with yogurt."

Cannes it, buddy.