Megara Justice Machine

His was just about the least hammy to be sure. He still had moments though.

Oh, I agree! And I almost think Moffat would be the one to do it.

"They drew inspiration from Pink Floyd’s Dark Side Of The Moon,
even going so far as to purchase the same synthesizer used on that
album, an element that helps add to the series’ weird, out-of-joint
sense of era."

When has the Master not been about hammy acting?

Yeah, I know, me too. Patrick Troughton is the bastard to blame for the "three season rule" when he told Davidson that as an actor you'll probably do everything you can want to with the character by then. Having followed Tom Baker's seven years in the role (and working with JNT, but that might just be me), it must

I believe the Ice Warriors came before LEGO, so those cute LEGO figures have Ice Warrior hands!

That's a fair point. I know everyone has done all these big tear-jerker moments when so-n-so leaves the show, but it'd be a fun subversion of the norm to do something like that, or, say, not show the actual regeneration at all, maybe have him fall into a hole and then someone else pops back out five minutes later

Downvoted for making us Who fans look like grumpy people.
(upvoted, actually)

I fear such subtle stuff will turn out to just have been the work of Moffat (*boos and hisses from the audience ensue*) and will be lost when Chibnall takes over, but we'll see. Much as I just shrug or actively disliked his Who stuff, Broadchurch was pretty good.

"OH no, this show is referencing something in currentish news or pop culture, that must means it's out of date I suppose!"

He or she would have to be a cat, not a puppy, (he/she)'s far too anarchic to be a dog.

Not to sound as if I'm picking a fight, but reading this article reminded me that that album existed I recall being distinctly meh-ed by it. And I also thought I should put it out and give it a final spin or two to see if I was wrong. I just recall it was a finely-enough constructed thing that just didn't seem to

"In what may be the first April Fools’ prank in years that we’ve actually enjoyed…"

It's watchable. It didn't rock my world or anything, but it has its points.

It was forgettable, but I wouldn't go as far as trash. If only that Batman and Superman film had been forgettable! If only Colin Baker's run on the show was forgettable! Trash, nah, there's much worse out there.

That might have been due to the doggedness of JNT running the show into the ground though.

I think this is one time the misunderstood genius was a misunderstanding genius.

Think of them as filmed stage plays, which is more what the BBC SOP was back then. Also remember that it wasn't the 80s yet so they didn't have a lot of coke to make running come more naturally; people sit and talk and talk and talk a lot to fill up screen time. Sometimes it's even well written.

And Trump only proves his belief.

By that definition, President Nixon is a companion though. Which was awesome.